首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Neuroscience: The Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience >Dopamine Release in the Nonhuman Primate Caudate and Putamen Depends upon Site of Stimulation in the Subthalamic Nucleus

Dopamine Release in the Nonhuman Primate Caudate and Putamen Depends upon Site of Stimulation in the Subthalamic Nucleus


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Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) is an effective treatment for medically refractory Parkinson's disease. Although DBS has recognized clinical utility, its biologic mechanisms are not fully understood, and whether dopamine release is a potential factor in those mechanisms is in dispute. We tested the hypothesis that STN DBS-evoked dopamine release depends on the precise location of the stimulation site in the STN and the site of recording in the caudate and putamen. We conducted DBS with miniature, scaled-to-animal size, multicontact electrodes and used functional magnetic resonance imaging to identify the best dopamine recording site in the brains of nonhuman primates (rhesus macaques), which are highly representative of human brain anatomy and circuitry. Real-time stimulation-evoked dopamine release was monitored using in vivo fast-scan cyclic voltammetry. This study demonstrates that STN DBS-evoked dopamine release can be reduced or increased by redirecting STN stimulation to a slightly different site.
机译:丘脑底核(STN)的深部脑刺激(DBS)是治疗难治性帕金森氏病的有效方法。尽管星展银行已经认识到其临床实用性,但其生物学机制尚不完全清楚,多巴胺释放是否是这些机制中的潜在因素尚有争议。我们测试了以下假设:STN DBS引起的多巴胺释放取决于STN中刺激部位的精确位置以及尾状和壳状核中的记录部位。我们使用微型,按比例缩放至动物大小的多触点电极进行了DBS,并使用功能磁共振成像来确定非人类灵长类动物(恒河猴)的最佳多巴胺记录部位,这是人类大脑解剖结构和电路的高度代表。使用体内快速扫描循环伏安法监测实时刺激诱发的多巴胺释放。这项研究表明,通过将STN刺激重定向到稍有不同的位置,可以减少或增加STN DBS引起的多巴胺释放。



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