首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Neuroscience: The Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience >Vibrotactile Masking Experiments Reveal Accelerated Somatosensory Processing in Congenitally Blind Braille Readers

Vibrotactile Masking Experiments Reveal Accelerated Somatosensory Processing in Congenitally Blind Braille Readers


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Braille reading is a demanding task that requires the identification of rapidly varying tactile patterns. During proficient reading, neighboring characters impact the fingertip at approx 100 ms intervals, and adjacent raised dots within a character at 50 ms intervals. Because the brain requires time to interpret afferent sensorineural activity, among other reasons, tactile stimuli separated by such short temporal intervals pose a challenge to perception. How, then, do proficient Braille readers successfully interpret inputs arising from their fingertips at such rapid rates? We hypothesized that somatosensory perceptual consolidation occurs more rapidly in proficient Braille readers. If so, Braille readers should outperform sighted participants on masking tasks, which demand rapid perceptual processing, but would not necessarily outperform the sighted on tests of simple vibrotactile sensitivity. To investigate, we conducted two-interval forced-choice vibrotactile detection, amplitude discrimination, and masking tasks on the index fingertips of 89 sighted and 57 profoundly blind humans. Sighted and blind participants had similar unmasked detection (25 ms target tap) and amplitude discrimination (compared with 100 mum reference tap) thresholds, but congenitally blind Braille readers, the fastest readers among the blind participants, exhibited significantly less masking than the sighted (masker, 50 Hz, 50 mum; target-masker delays, +-50 and +-100 ms). Indeed, Braille reading speed correlated significantly and specifically with masking task performance, and in particular with the backward masking decay time constant. We conclude that vibrotactile sensitivity is unchanged but that perceptual processing is accelerated in congenitally blind Braille readers.
机译:盲文阅读是一项艰巨的任务,需要识别快速变化的触觉模式。在熟练阅读期间,相邻字符以大约100毫秒的间隔撞击指尖,而字符内的相邻凸起点以50毫秒的间隔撞击。除其他原因外,由于大脑需要时间来解释传入的感音神经活动,因此,由如此短的时间间隔分隔的触觉刺激对知觉提出了挑战。那么,熟练的盲文阅读器如何以如此快的速度成功地解释指尖产生的输入?我们假设精通的盲文阅读器会更快地产生体感感知整合。如果是这样的话,盲文阅读器在掩盖任务上的表现应胜过视力较弱的参与者,而掩蔽任务需要快速的感知处理,但不一定会在简单的触觉敏感性测试中表现优异。为了进行调查,我们对89位视力正常的人和57位高度失明的人的食指进行了两次间隔的强制选择触觉检测,振幅辨别和掩盖任务。视力障碍者和盲人参与者具有相似的未掩盖检测(目标目标敲击时间为25 ms)和幅度辨别(与100毫米参考值敲击相比)阈值,但与盲人参与者相比,盲人盲文阅读器是盲人参与者中速度最快的阅读器,其遮盖力明显小于视力障碍者(掩蔽器) ,50 Hz,50毫米;目标掩蔽延迟(+ -50和+ -100毫秒)。确实,盲文阅读速度与掩蔽任务的性能特别是反向掩蔽的衰减时间常数显着相关,特别是与掩蔽的任务衰减相关。我们得出的结论是,触觉敏感性没有变化,但先天盲人盲文阅读器的知觉处理得到了加速。



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