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Pressure-assisted low-temperature sintering for paper-based writing electronics


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With the aim of preparing paper-based writing electronics, a kind of conductive pen was made with nano-silver ink as the conductive component and a rollerball pen as the writing implement. This was used to direct-write conductive patterns on Epson photo paper. In order to decrease the sintering temperature, pressure was introduced to enhance the driving forces for sintering. Compared with hot sintering without pressure, hot-pressure can effectively improve the conductivity of silver coatings, reduce the sintering time and thus improve productivity. Importantly, pressure can achieve a more uniform and denser microstructure, which increases the connection strength of the silver coating. At the optimum hot-pressure condition (sintering temperature 120 ° C/sintering pressure 25 MPa/sintering time 15 min), a typical measured resistivity value was 1.43 × 10~(-7) Ω m, nine greater than that of bulk silver. This heat treatment process is compatible with paper and does not cause any damage to the paper substrates. Even after several thousand bending cycles, the resistivity values of writing tracks by hot-pressure sintering stay almost the same (from 1.43 × 10~(-7) to 1.57 × 10~(-7) Ω m). The stability and flexibility of the writing circuits are good, which demonstrates the promising future of writing electronics.
机译:为了制备纸基书写电子设备,以纳米银墨水为导电成分,并以圆珠笔为书写工具制成了一种导电笔。这用于在爱普生相纸上直接书写导电图案。为了降低烧结温度,引入压力以增强烧结的驱动力。与无压力热烧结相比,热压可有效提高银涂层的电导率,减少烧结时间,从而提高生产率。重要的是,压力可以实现更均匀和致密的微观结构,从而增加了银涂层的连接强度。在最佳热压条件下(烧结温度为120°C /烧结压力为25 MPa /烧结时间为15分钟),典型的电阻率测量值为1.43×10〜(-7)Ωm,比散装银大9倍。此热处理过程与纸张兼容,不会对纸张基材造成任何损坏。即使经过数千次弯曲循环后,热压烧结产生的写入轨迹的电阻率值也几乎保持不变(从1.43×10〜(-7)到1.57×10〜(-7)Ωm)。写入电路的稳定性和灵活性良好,这说明了写入电子设备的前景广阔。



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