首页> 外文期刊>Nanotechnology >Engineered fabrication of ordered arrays of Au-NiO-Au nanowires

Engineered fabrication of ordered arrays of Au-NiO-Au nanowires


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In the present paper, a novel method to fabricate ordered arrays of Au/NiO/Au nanowires is described, with the aim of filling the gap between the fundamental study of the electrical properties of scattered single nanowires and the engineered fabrication of nanowire arrays. This approach mainly consists of the following steps: (a) electrodeposition of Au/Ni/Au nanowires into an ordered porous anodic aluminum oxide template; (b) mechanical polishing of the sample to expose the gold tips of Au/Ni/Au nanowires to the template surface; (c) in situ annealing of the Au/Ni/Au nanowires without removing the template. The resulting structure consists in an ordered array of Au/NiO/Au nanowires slightly protruding out of a flat aluminum oxide template. Unlike current approaches, with the described method it is not necessary to remove the template in order to oxidize the middle metal, thus allowing the availability of an entire set of metal/oxide/metal nanowires ordered in a two-dimensional matrix and where single heterojunctions can be accessed individually.
机译:在本文中,描述了一种新颖的方法来制造Au / NiO / Au纳米线的有序阵列,目的是填补分散的单个纳米线的电学性质的基础研究与纳米线阵列的工程制造之间的空白。该方法主要包括以下步骤:(a)将Au / Ni / Au纳米线电沉积到有序的多孔阳极氧化铝模板中; (b)机械抛光样品,使金/镍/金纳米线的金尖端暴露在模板表面; (c)在不去除模板的情况下原位退火Au / Ni / Au纳米线。最终的结构由有序排列的Au / NiO / Au纳米线排列而成,从纳米氧化铝模板中略微突出。与当前的方法不同,使用所述方法,不必为了氧化中间金属而去除模板,从而允许以二维矩阵和其中单个异质结排序的整套金属/氧化物/金属纳米线的可用性可以单独访问。



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