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High penetration of ultraviolet radiation in the south east Pacific waters


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We investigated the penetration of solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) in the surface waters of the south east Pacific (08 - 35 degrees S, 142 - 73 degrees W) from October to December 2004 during the BIOSOPE cruise. In the hyper-oligotrophic waters of the South Pacific Gyre ( near Easter Island), diffuse attenuation coefficients for downward irradiance, K-d(lambda), at 305 nm (UV-B), 325, 340 and 380 nm (UV-A) were 0.083, 0.055, 0.039 and 0.021 m(-1), respectively. The corresponding 10% irradiance depths, Z(10%)(lambda), were 28, 42, 59 and 110 m, respectively. These UVR penetrations are the highest ever reported for oceanic waters and are equal to those measured in the clearest fresh waters. UV-extended inherent optical property (IOP) and radiative transfer (RT) models allowed reliable estimations of K-d(lambda) with the Case 1 water assumption when two values of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) absorption spectral slope coefficient (S) were used, i.e. 0.017 nm(-1) at 325, 340 and 380 nm, and 0.023 nm(-1) at 305 nm.
机译:2004年10月至2004年12月,我们在BIOSOPE航行期间调查了太阳紫外线辐射(UVR)在东南太平洋(08-35度南极,142-73度西温)的表层水中的渗透情况。在南太平洋环流(靠近复活节岛)的高营养化水域中,在305 nm(UV-B),325、340和380 nm(UV-A)处的向下辐照的扩散衰减系数Kd(λ)为0.083、0.055、0.039和0.021 m(-1)。相应的10%辐照深度Z(10%)(λ)分别为28、42、59和110 m。这些UVR渗透率是有史以来海洋水域中最高的,与在最清澈的淡水中测得的渗透率相同。紫外线扩展的固有光学特性(IOP)和辐射传递(RT)模型允许使用情况1的水假设(使用两个发色性溶解有机物(CDOM)吸收光谱斜率系数(S)的值)对Kd(λ)进行可靠的估计即在325、340和380 nm处为0.017 nm(-1),在305 nm处为0.023 nm(-1)。



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