首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Pharmacology: An International Journal >Amitifadine, a triple monoamine re-uptake inhibitor, reduces nicotine self-administration in female rats

Amitifadine, a triple monoamine re-uptake inhibitor, reduces nicotine self-administration in female rats


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A wider diversity of drug treatments to aid smoking cessation is needed to help tailor the most efficacious treatment for different types of smokers. This study was conducted to determine whether amitifadine, which inhibits re-uptake of dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin, would decrease nicotine self-administration at doses that do not cause adverse side effects. Adult female Sprague-Dawley rats were trained to self-administer nicotine intravenous (IV) and were given acute doses of amitifadine in a repeated measures counterbalanced design. Effects of amitifadine on locomotor activity and food motivated responding were also evaluated. Chronic amitifadine effects were also examined. The 30 mg/kg amitifadine dose significantly reduced nicotine self-administration. The 5 and 10 mg/kg doses reduced nicotine self-administration during the first 15 min of the session when the greatest amount of nicotine was self-administered. The 30 mg/kg amitifadine dose, but not the lower doses caused a significant reduction in locomotor activity averaged over the one-hour session and reduced food motivated responding. The 10 mg/kg dose caused hypoactivity at the beginning of the session, but 5 mg/kg did not cause any hypoactivity. The effects of chronic amitifadine treatment (10 mg/kg) over the course of 15 sessions was also determined. Amitifadine caused a significant reduction in nicotine self-administration, which was not seen to diminish over two consecutive weeks of treatment and a week after enforced abstinence. Amitifadine significantly reduced nicotine self-administration. This prompts further research to determine if amitifadine might be an effective treatment for smoking cessation. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:需要更多种类的药物治疗来帮助戒烟,以帮助为不同类型的吸烟者量身定制最有效的治疗方法。进行这项研究是为了确定抑制多巴胺,去甲肾上腺素和5-羟色胺再摄取的阿米替丁在不引起不良副作用的剂量下是否会减少尼古丁的自我给药。对成年雌性Sprague-Dawley大鼠进行了自我尼古丁静脉内(IV)自我训练的训练,并在重复措施平衡设计中给予了急性剂量的阿米替丁。还评估了阿米替丁对运动活性和食物刺激反应的影响。还检查了阿米替丁的慢性作用。 30 mg / kg阿米替丁剂量可显着减少尼古丁的自我给药。 5毫克/千克和10毫克/千克的剂量会在疗程的前15分钟内减少尼古丁的自我管理,此时最大量的尼古丁是自我管理的。 30 mg / kg的阿米替丁剂量(但不是较低剂量)不会导致一小时的平均运动能力显着降低,并且食物刺激性反应降低。 10 mg / kg的剂量在疗程开始时引起机能减退,但5 mg / kg的剂量未引起任何机能减退。还确定了在15个疗程中进行慢性阿米替丁治疗(10 mg / kg)的效果。 Amitifadine导致尼古丁自我给药的显着减少,在连续两周的治疗和强制戒断后的一周内,尼古丁的给药并未减少。阿米替丁可显着减少尼古丁的自我给药。这促使进一步的研究来确定阿米替丁是否可能是戒烟的有效方法。 (C)2015 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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