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Contraceptive efficacy of emergency contraception with levonorgestrel given before or after ovulation.


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BACKGROUND: The contraceptive efficacy of emergency contraceptive pills containing levonorgestrel (LNG-EC) has been estimated in most previous studies by judging the day of ovulation from presumptive menstrual cycle data, thus providing poorly reliable estimates. METHODS: In the present study, the efficacy of LNG-EC was determined in 393 cycles by dating ovulation on the basis of reliable hormonal and ovarian parameters validated by a database constructed in a separate study. In addition, the efficacy was determined separately for cycles in which LNG-EC was given before or after ovulation. RESULTS: For the 148 women who had sexual intercourse during the fertile days, the overall accumulated probability of pregnancy was 24.7, while altogether 8 pregnancies were observed. Thus, the overall contraceptive efficacy of LNG-EC was 68%. Among the 103 women who took LNG-EC before ovulation (days -5 to -1), 16 pregnancies were expected and no pregnancy occurred (p<.0001). Among the 45 women who took LNG-EC on the day of ovulation (day 0) or thereafter, 8 pregnancies occurred and 8.7 were expected (p=1.00). These findings are incompatible with the inhibition of implantation by LNG-EC in women. The same cases were also analyzed using the presumptive menstrual cycle data, and important discrepancies were detected between the two methods. CONCLUSION: The efficacy of LNG-EC has been overestimated in studies using presumptive menstrual cycle data. Our results confirm previous similar studies and demonstrate that LNG-EC does not prevent embryo implantation and therefore cannot be labeled as abortifacient.
机译:背景:在大多数先前的研究中,通过推定月经周期数据来判断排卵日,从而评估了含有左炔诺孕酮(LNG-EC)的紧急避孕药的避孕效果,从而提供了较差的可靠估计。方法:在本研究中,在可靠的荷尔蒙和卵巢参数基础上,通过单独的研究构建的数据库验证了约会日期,在393个周期中通过对排卵进行约会来确定LNG-EC的疗效。另外,对于在排卵之前或之后给予LNG-EC的周期,分别确定功效。结果:对于148名在生育日发生性行为的妇女,总的累计怀孕概率为24.7,而共观察到8次怀孕。因此,LNG-EC的总体避孕效果为68%。在排卵前(第-5至-1天)服用LNG-EC的103名妇女中,预计有16例怀孕且没有怀孕发生(p <.0001)。在排卵当天(第0天)或之后服用LNG-EC的45名妇女中,有8例怀孕,预期为8.7例(p = 1.00)。这些发现与LNG-EC对女性植入的抑制作用不相容。还使用推测的月经周期数据分析了同样的病例,两种方法之间发现了重要差异。结论:在使用推测的月经周期数据的研究中,LNG-EC的功效被高估了。我们的结果证实了以前的类似研究,并证明LNG-EC不能阻止胚胎植入,因此不能被标记为堕胎药。



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