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Surgical abortion prior to 7 weeks of gestation


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The following guidelines reflect a collation of the evaluable medical literature about surgical abortion prior to 7 weeks of gestation. Early surgical abortion carries lower risks of morbidity and mortality than procedures performed later in gestation. Surgical abortion is safe, practicable and successful as early as 3 weeks from the start of last menses (no gestational sac visible on vaginal ultrasound) provided that (a) routine sensitive pregnancy testing verifies pregnancy, (b) the tissue aspirate is immediately examined for the presence of a gestational sac plus villi and (c) a protocol to identify ectopic pregnancy expeditiously - including calculation of readily obtained serial serum quantitative human chorionic gonadotropin titers when clinically appropriate - is in place and strictly adhered to. Manual and electric vacuum aspiration methods for early abortion demonstrate comparable efficacy, safety and acceptability. Current data are inadequate to determine if any of the following techniques substantially improve procedure success or safety: use of rigid versus flexible cannulae, light metallic curettage following uterine aspiration, uterine sounding or routine use of intraoperative ultrasound.



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