首页> 外文期刊>Applied optics >Analysis of PVA/AA based photopolymers at the zero spatial frequency limit using interferometric methods

Analysis of PVA/AA based photopolymers at the zero spatial frequency limit using interferometric methods

机译:使用干涉法在零空间频率极限下分析基于PVA / AA的光敏聚合物

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One of the problems associated with photopolymers as optical recording media is the thickness variation during the recording process. Different values of shrinkages or swelling are reported in the literature for photopolymers. Furthermore, these variations depend on the spatial frequencies of the gratings stored in the materials. Thickness variations can be measured using different methods: studying the deviation from the Bragg's angle for nonslanted gratings, using MicroXAM S/N 8038 interferometer, or by the thermomechanical analysis experiments. In a previous paper, we began the characterization of the properties of a polyvinyl alcohol/acrylamide based photopolymer at the lowest end of recorded spatial frequencies. In this work, we continue analyzing the thickness variations of these materials using a reflection interferometer. With this technique we are able to obtain the variations of the layers refractive index and, therefore, a direct estimation of the polymer refractive index. (c) 2008 Optical Society of America.
机译:与作为光记录介质的光聚合物有关的问题之一是记录过程中的厚度变化。在光敏聚合物的文献中报道了不同的​​收缩或溶胀值。此外,这些变化取决于存储在材料中的光栅的空间频率。可以使用不同的方法来测量厚度变化:使用MicroXAM S / N 8038干涉仪或通过热机械分析实验研究非倾斜光栅与布拉格角的偏差。在先前的论文中,我们开始在记录的空间频率的最低端开始表征聚乙烯醇/丙烯酰胺基光敏聚合物的性能。在这项工作中,我们将继续使用反射干涉仪分析这些材料的厚度变化。利用这种技术,我们能够获得层折射率的变化,因此可以直接估算聚合物的折射率。 (c)2008年美国眼镜学会。



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