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A general recurrence relation for the weight-functions in Mühlbach-Neville-Aitken representations with application to WENO interpolation and differentiation


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In several applications, such as WENO interpolation and reconstruction [C.W. Shu, SIAM Rev. 51 (2009) 82-126], we are interested in the analytical expression of the weight-functions which allow the representation of the approximating function on a given stencil (Chebyshev-system) as the weighted combination of the corresponding approximating functions on substencils (Chebyshev-subsystems). We show that the weight-functions in such representations [G. Mühlbach, Numer. Math. 31 (1978) 97-110] can be generated by a general recurrence relation based on the existence of a 1-level subdivision rule. As an example of application we apply this recurrence to the computation of the weight-functions for Lagrange interpolation [E. Carlini, R. Ferretti, G. Russo, SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 27 (2005) 1071-1091] for a general subdivision of the stencil {xi-_(M-),??,xi+_(M+)} of M+1~(M-)+~(M+)+1 distinct ordered points into Ks+1≤M~(M-)+~(M+)>1 (Neville) substencils {xi-_(M-+ks),??,xi+_(M+-Ks+ks)} ((ks)~∈{0, ?,~(Ks)}) all containing the same number of M-Ks+1 points but each shifted by 1 cell with respect to its neighbour, and give a general proof for the conditions of positivity of the weight-functions (implying convexity of the combination), extending previous results obtained for particular stencils and subdvisions Liu (2009) [Y.Y. Liu, C.W. Shu, M.P. Zhang, Acta Math. Appl. Sin. 25 (2009) 503-538]. Finally, we apply the recurrence relation to the representation by combination of substencils of derivatives of arbitrary order of the Lagrange interpolating polynomial.
机译:在一些应用中,例如WENO内插和重构[C.W. Shu,SIAM Rev. 51(2009)82-126],我们对权重函数的解析表达式感兴趣,该函数允许将给定模板(Chebyshev系统)上的近似函数表示为相应模板的加权组合。模板(Chebyshev子系统)上的近似函数。我们证明了在这种表示中的权重函数[G.穆尔巴赫(Nümer)。数学。 31(1978)97-110]可以基于1级细分规则的存在通过一般递归关系生成。作为应用示例,我们将此递归应用于Lagrange插值[E.卡里尼,R。费雷蒂,G。鲁索,SIAM J.计算27(2005)1071-1091]对M + 1〜(M-)+〜(M +)+ 1的模具{xi -_(M-),??,xi + _(M +)}进行一般细分Ks +1≤M〜(M-)+〜(M +)> 1(Neville)子群{xi -_(M- + ks),??,xi + _(M + -Ks + ks)}的不同有序点((ks)〜∈{0,?,〜(Ks)})都包含相同数量的M-Ks + 1点,但每个都相对于其邻居移动了1个像元,并给出了条件的一般证明。权函数的正性(暗含组合的凸度),扩展了先前针对特定模板和细分获得的结果Liu(2009)[YY刘树伟硕士张,数学学报。应用罪。 25(2009)503-538]。最后,我们将递归关系应用于通过拉格朗日插值多项式任意阶导数的子曲面组合的表示。



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