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Adsorption of a Cationic Surfactant, Miramistin, from Aqueous Solutions on the Surface of Highly Dispersed Silica


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The adsorption of a universal antiseptic agent, the cationic surfactant miramistin, on the surface of highly dispersed silica has been studied. It has been shown that, when miramistin is adsorbed from acidic premicellar solutions, the main contribution to miramistin binding with the surface is made by hydrogen bonding between amide groups of surfactant molecules and silanol groups of silica, which is, at higher pH values, accompanied by ionic interaction between positively charged quaternary nitrogen atoms of miramistin and negatively charged dissociated silanol groups. In the case of adsorption from a micellar solution, an increase in the surface concentration of miramistin is almost independent of solution pH, because the second layer is predominantly formed due to hydrophobic interactions.
机译:已经研究了通用防腐剂阳离子表面活性剂miramistin在高度分散的二氧化硅表面上的吸附。已经表明,当miramistin从酸性胶束溶液中吸附时,对miramistin与表面结合的主要贡献是通过表面活性剂分子的酰胺基团与二氧化硅的硅烷醇基团之间的氢键结合而实现的,即在较高的pH值下, miramistin带正电的季氮原子与带负电的离解硅烷醇基团之间的离子相互作用在从胶束溶液中吸附的情况下,miramistin表面浓度的增加几乎与溶液的pH无关,因为第二层主要是由于疏水作用而形成的。



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