首页> 外文期刊>Angewandte Chemie >An Efficient Approach to the Synthesis of Nucleosides: Gold(I)-Catalyzed N-Glycosylation of Pyrimidines and Purines with Glycosyl ortho-Alkynyl Benzoates

An Efficient Approach to the Synthesis of Nucleosides: Gold(I)-Catalyzed N-Glycosylation of Pyrimidines and Purines with Glycosyl ortho-Alkynyl Benzoates


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The synthesis of nucleosides has continuously been a topical subject in efforts to develop new therapeutic agents (e.g., antitumor and antiviral drugs), to manipulate genetic processes (e.g., antisense oligonucleotides and RNA interference), and to expand the genetic code and understand the scope and limits of Watson-Crick base pairing. However, the key technique for such syntheses, namely, the N-glycosidic coupling of sugars and nitrogen heterocycles, is rather conventional. A Vorbriiggen-type reaction involving the coupling of sugar acetates with trimethylsilylated nucleobases under the action of strong Lewis acids (mostly stoichiometric amounts of trimethylsilyl triflate and SnCl4) is still the predominant method. The coupling yields are not always high. In particular, when purines are used, low coupling yields (or even failure of the reaction to occur) and moderate N9/N7 regioselectivity have been encountered. Protecting groups and temporary substituents have thus been introduced onto purines to enhance their reactivity and hinder the reaction of nonglycosylated nitrogen atoms. However, the choice of protecting groups is limited by the harsh conditions required for Vorbriiggen-type reactions. Variation of the anomeric leaving group of the glycosyl donors could enable N-glyco-sylation under milder conditions. However, only limited success has been reported for nucleoside synthesis with privileged O-glycosylation donors, including glycosyl chlor-ides/bromides, trichloroacetimidates, phosphites, sulfoxides, thioglycosides, n-pentenyl glycosides, and sugar 1,2-anhydrides.One rationale is that nucleobases are poorly nucleophilic (and often poorly soluble) and thus compete unfavorably for glycosidation with other nucleo-philic species that occur in a glycosylation system, such as those derived from the leaving groups and promoters.
机译:核苷的合成一直是开发新治疗剂(例如抗肿瘤和抗病毒药物),操纵遗传过程(例如反义寡核苷酸和RNA干扰)以及扩大遗传密码和理解范围的主题。和Watson-Crick碱基配对的限制。然而,用于这种合成的关键技术是相当传统的,即糖和氮杂环的N-糖苷偶联。在强路易斯酸(主要是化学计量的三氟甲磺酸三甲基甲硅烷基酯和SnCl4)的作用下,乙酸乙酸酯与三甲基甲硅烷基化的核碱基偶联的Vorbriiggen型反应仍然是主要方法。耦合产量并不总是很高。特别地,当使用嘌呤时,已经遇到低的偶联产率(或什至反应失败)和中等的N9 / N7区域选择性。因此,已将保护基和临时取代基引入嘌呤以增强其反应性并阻碍非糖基化氮原子的反应。但是,保护基团的选择受到Vorbriiggen型反应所需的苛刻条件的限制。糖基供体的异头离去基团的变化可以在较温和的条件下实现N-糖基化。然而,只有优先的O-糖基化供体(包括糖基氯化物/溴化物,三氯乙亚氨酸盐,亚磷酸酯,亚砜,硫代糖苷,正戊烯基糖苷和糖1,2-酐)的核苷合成报道只有有限的成功。核碱基亲核性差(通常不易溶解),因此与糖基化系统中发生的其他亲核物质(例如衍生自离去基团和启动子的亲核物质)竞争糖苷化反应。



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