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A study on the effect of sulphur and sowing dates on yield and yield attributes of wheat


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A field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of sulphur and dates of sowing on yield and yield contributing characters of two wheat varieties. Non Calcareous Dark Grey Flood Plain Soil at the Bangladesh Agricultural University Farm, during the rabi season of 1996-97. The experiment was laid out in a split plot design assigning the sowing dates (November 22 and 29) in the main plot, varieties and sulphur levels (0, 20, 30 and 40 kg S ha~-1) in the sub-plot having three replications. The results obtained from the study revealed that sowing dates exerted a significant effect on agronomic attributes except plant height, number of spikes/m~2, length of spike and straw yields remained unaffected. Grain yield was found decreased progressivelyas the sowing was delayed. Varieties differed significantly in respect of number of spikes m~-2, length of spikes, 1000-grain weight and straw yield. Agronomic attributes and the yield of the crop (grain and straw yields) were significantly influenced bysulphur levels. Significantly lowest grain yield was obtained from 0 kg ha~-1 but with the increase of higher concentration of sulphur, the result differed. Significant positive relationship was also noticed in most of the cases when the relationship patterns were established between yield and yield contributing characters of wheat.
机译:进行了田间试验,以评估硫和播期对两个小麦品种的产量和产量贡献特性的影响。在1996-97狂犬病季节期间,孟加拉农业大学农场的非钙质深灰色洪水平原土壤。实验采用分块设计设计,分配了主块的播种日期(11月22日和29日),子块的品种和硫含量(0、20、30和40 kg S ha〜-1),其中三个重复。从研究中获得的结果表明,播种日期对农艺性状具有显着影响,除了株高,穗数/ m〜2,穗长和稻草产量不受影响。随着播种时间的延迟,发现单产逐渐下降。穗数m〜-2,穗长,千粒重和秸秆产量方面,品种差异显着。硫水平显着影响农艺特性和农作物的产量(谷物和稻草的产量)。从0 kg ha〜-1可获得最低的籽粒产量,但随着较高硫含量的增加,结果有所不同。在大多数情况下,当小麦的产量与产量贡献特征之间建立关系模式时,也注意到了显着的正相关关系。



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