首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >Altered temporal characteristics of the rectoanal inhibitory reflex in patients with abdominal distension

Altered temporal characteristics of the rectoanal inhibitory reflex in patients with abdominal distension


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The rectoanal inhibitory reflex (RAIR) is important in gas and stool evacuation. We examined RAIR features in patients with chronic constipation who exhibited bloating with and without abdominal distension, to determine whether alterations in RAIR may be a factor in the pathogenesis of abdominal distension. Seventy-five female patients with chronic constipation with or without abdominal distension were included in the study. The presence or absence of abdominal distension was assessed according to the Rome II questionnaire. All patients underwent both RAIR and rectal sensitivity testing, and specific RAIR parameters were analyzed. Patients were divided into two groups: abdominal bloating with distension (D, n = 55) and abdominal bloating without distension (ND, n = 20). D had a longer time to the onset of anal sphincter inhibition (latency of inhibition) (P = 0.03) compared with ND. In logistic regression analysis, a combination of age, latency of inhibition and the time measured from onset of inhibition to the point of maximum inhibition predicted abdominal distension (P = 0.002). There were no differences between groups for the time from point of maximum inhibition to recovery and for the percentage of internal anal sphincter relaxation. This is the first study to examine the role of RAIR in patients with abdominal distension. Female patients with constipation and abdominal distension exhibited differences in the temporal characteristics of, but not in the degree of, anal sphincter relaxation compared with patients without distension. Since this study was uncontrolled, further studies are necessary to determine the contribution of altered anorectal reflexes to abdominal distension.
机译:直肠抑制反射(RAIR)在气体和粪便的排出中很重要。我们检查了在有和没有腹胀的情况下表现出腹胀的慢性便秘患者的RAIR特征,以确定RAIR的改变是否可能是腹胀的发病机理中的一个因素。该研究纳入了75名女性慢性便秘伴或不伴腹胀的女性患者。根据Rome II调查表评估是否存在腹胀。所有患者均接受了RAIR和直肠敏感性测试,并分析了特定的RAIR参数。将患者分为两组:腹胀腹胀(D,n = 55)和腹胀腹胀但不扩张(ND,n = 20)。与ND相比,D具有更长的肛门括约肌抑制时间(抑制潜伏期)(P = 0.03)。在逻辑回归分析中,年龄,抑制潜伏期以及从抑制发作到最大抑制点所测量的时间的组合预测了腹胀(P = 0.002)。从最大抑制到恢复的时间以及肛门内括约肌松弛的百分比,两组之间没有差异。这是第一个研究RAIR在腹胀患者中的作用的研究。与没有扩张的患者相比,患有便秘和腹胀的女性患者在肛门括约肌松弛的时间特征上表现出差异,但程度没有差异。由于这项研究不受控制,因此有必要进行进一步的研究以确定肛门直肠反射改变对腹胀的影响。



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