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After 33 years of biotech communication and 21 years of GM crop testing and adoption, where to now for South Africa?


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This overview is intended to share South Africa's experiences in field crops with scientists in horticultural biotechnology. These experiences, pitfalls and constraints may hold some value for horticultural biotechnology, especially as the boundary between GM and conventional breeding becomes blurred. Communication on modern genetic modification commenced in 1978 with the establishment of a voluntary committee, the South African Committee for Genetic Experimentation (SAGENE) by scientists. Its primary objective was to advise both government and industry, and the committee drafted the first biosafety guidelines for managing the technology in 1996. In 1990, the first GM crop, Bt cotton, was field tested under existing legislation. The comprehensive GMO Act was approved in 1997 and entered into force in 1999. The Act functions on basis of a permit system, approval subject to decisions by the official GMO Executive Council. Bt cotton was approved for commercial use in 1997, Bt maize in 1997, and herbicide tolerant soybeans in 2001. The combined area planted to these crops reached 2.2 million ha in 2010, placing South Africa in 9th position globally. A National Biotechnology Strategy was drafted in 2001. Amendments to the Act, regulations and biosafety requirements and procedures continued to evolve, as did the increased complexity of novel traits. This overview covers the trends in GM crop adoption and communication issues, examines whether the system is in harmony with biotechnology strategy and how South Africa may proceed beyond the present biotechnology status towards new GM crops, new novel traits and new biosafety communication. Constraints identified include inadequate contact of scientists with policy makers and politicians, lags in getting innovative results and products to the market and cost of meeting regulatory compliance which may rule out most local innovations entering the market.
机译:本概述旨在与园艺生物技术科学家分享南非在大田作物方面的经验。这些经验,陷阱和限制可能对园艺生物技术具有一定的价值,尤其是在转基因和常规育种之间的界限变得模糊时。关于现代遗传修饰的交流始于1978年,由科学家成立了自愿委员会,即南非遗传实验委员会(SAGENE)。它的主要目标是为政府和工业界提供建议,委员会于1996年起草了管理该技术的第一份生物安全指南。1990年,根据现有法规对第一批转基因作物Bt棉花进行了田间试验。全面的《 GMO法》于1997年获得批准,并于1999年生效。该法以许可证制度为基础,经官方GMO执行理事会的决定批准。 Bt棉于1997年获得商业使用,1997年获得Bt玉米批准,2001年获得耐除草剂大豆的种植。2010年,种植这些作物的总面积达到220万公顷,使南非在全球范围内排名第9位。 2001年起草了《国家生物技术战略》。该法案,法规,生物安全要求和程序的修正案不断发展,新特性的复杂性也在不断提高。该概述涵盖了转基因作物采用和交流问题的趋势,考察了该系统是否与生物技术战略相一致,以及南非如何超越目前的生物技术现状而转向新的转基因作物,新的新特性和新的生物安全交流。所发现的制约因素包括科学家与决策者和政治人物的接触不足,在向市场推出创新成果和产品方面滞后以及满足法规遵从性的成本,这可能排除了大多数本地创新产品进入市场的可能性。



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