
An ultra-low energy method for rapidly pre-concentrating microalgae


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This study demonstrates that Nannochloropsis sp. can be effectively separated from its growth medium (0.2–0.3 g/L) using electro-coagulation–flocculation in a 100 mL batch reactor with nickel electrodes and a treatment time of only 4 s. Minimum energy density input for effective separation is 0.03 kWh/m~3. Both energy input and treatment time are much smaller than reported elsewhere. The process results in rapid separation of microalgae (over 90% in 120 min) with minimal damage to algal cells (>90% still alive after processing). At around 4 V input, algae can be effectively separated even in very low concentrations. Pulsing is equally effective in separating microalgae as continuous direct current of same magnitude and total exposure time. Algae can separate from their growth medium even if the suspension itself is not treated, but is mixed with treated saltwater with same conductivity. The described method has significant advantages including applicability to continuous processing and water reuse.
机译:这项研究表明,Nannochloropsis sp。在带有镍电极的100 mL间歇式反应器中,通过电凝絮凝可以有效地将其从生长培养基(0.2–0.3 g / L)中分离出来。有效分离的最小能量密度输入为0.03 kWh / m〜3。能量输入和治疗时间都比其他地方报道的要小得多。该过程可快速分离微藻(在120分钟内超过90%),而对藻类细胞的损害却最小(加工后> 90%仍活着)。在大约4 V的输入电压下,即使浓度很低也可以有效分离藻类。脉冲在分离微藻方面同样有效,其大小和总暴露时间相同。即使未对悬浮液本身进行处理,但藻类仍可与生长培养基分离,但会与具有相同电导率的处理过的盐水混合。所描述的方法具有明显的优点,包括适用于连续处理和水的再利用。



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