首页> 外文期刊>Biochemistry >Experimentally Restrained Molecular Dynamics Simulations for Characterizing the Open States of Cytochrome P450(cam)

Experimentally Restrained Molecular Dynamics Simulations for Characterizing the Open States of Cytochrome P450(cam)


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Residual dipolar couplings (RDCs) were used as restraints in fully solvated molecular dynamics simulations of reduced substrate- and carbonmonoxy-bound cytochrome P450_(cam) (CYP 101A1), a 414-residue soluble monomeric heme-containing camphor monooxygenase from the soil bacterium Pseudomonas putida. The ~1D_(NH) residual dipolar couplings used as restraints were measured in two independent alignment media. A soft annealing protocol was used to heat the starting structures while incorporating the RDC restraints. After production dynamics, structures with the lowest total violation energies for RDC restraints were extracted to identify ensembles of conformers accessible to the enzyme in solution. The simulations result in substrate orientations different from that seen in crystallographic structures and a more open and accessible enzyme active site and largely support previously reported differences between the open and closed states of CYP101A1.
机译:在完全溶剂化的分子动力学模拟中,残留的偶极偶合(RDC)用作抑制的底物和一氧化碳结合的细胞色素P450_(cam)(CYP 101A1)(一种来自土壤细菌假单胞菌的414个残基的可溶性单体血红素樟脑单加氧酶)的约束。普蒂达。在两个独立的对准介质中测量了用作约束的〜1D_(NH)残留偶极耦合。在结合RDC约束的同时,使用了软退火方案来加热起始结构。在生产动态之后,提取具有RDC约束的最低总违背能量的结构,以鉴定溶液中酶可及的构象体集合。该模拟导致底物取向不同于晶体学结构中的底物取向,并且具有更开放和更容易接近的酶活性位点,并在很大程度上支持了先前报道的CYP101A1的打开和关闭状态之间的差异。



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