首页> 外文期刊>Contact dermatitis >An outbreak of allergic contact dermatitis caused by citral in beauticians working in a health spa

An outbreak of allergic contact dermatitis caused by citral in beauticians working in a health spa


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Single cases of allergic contact dermatitis in beauticians are well recognized, and epidemiological studies have confirmed that individual beauticians have a high risk of developing occupational allergic contact dermatitis (1). Case Report: Over a period of 2 years, 9 beauticians working in the same high-end luxury health spa in the United Kingdom were referred to our contact dermatitis clinic with recent onset of bilateral hand dermatitis. All had been referred separately and independently by their general medical practitioners rather than by their employer. The dermatitis was localized mainly to the dorsum of the hands and fingers, although, in some cases, there was spread to the wrists and forearms. The dermatitis was reported to improve with work avoidance. All were applying a wide variety of beauty treatments, including massages with essential oils, which were applied to clients' skin by direct, ungloved, hand contact. All were female and aged between21 and39years; 7ofthe9 (78%) had a personal history of atopy (asthma, hayfever, or atopic dermatitis) on direct questioning. All had worked at the spa for a minimum of 4 months prior to the onset of their hand dermatitis (range 4-24 months).
机译:美容师中的单例过敏性接触性皮炎已广为人知,并且流行病学研究已证实,个别美容师具有发展为职业性过敏性接触性皮炎的高风险(1)。病例报告:在2年的时间里,有9位在英国同一家高档豪华保健水疗中心工作的美容师因近期出现双侧手部皮炎而被转到我们的接触性皮炎诊所。所有这些都是由其全科医生而不是其雇主分别和独立地转介的。皮炎主要定位在手和手指的背部,尽管在某些情况下,扩散到手腕和前臂。据报道,避免工作可改善皮炎。所有人都在进行各种美容护理,包括用精油进行按摩,通过直接,无人爱护的手工接触将其应用到客户的皮肤上。均为女性,年龄在21至39岁之间; 9人中有7人(78%)在直接询问时有个人过敏性病史(哮喘,花粉热或特应性皮炎)。所有人在手部皮炎发作之前至少在水疗中心工作了4个月(范围为4-24个月)。



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