首页> 外文期刊>自動車研究 >Finite element model for simulation of muscle effects on kinematic responses of cervical spine in low-SpeedRear-end impacts

Finite element model for simulation of muscle effects on kinematic responses of cervical spine in low-SpeedRear-end impacts


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The mechanisms of whiplash injury have been generally considered to involve cervical hyperextension/hyperflexion and translational displacement of the head in relation to the torso (Mertz and Patrick, 1967). On the other hand, several authors have recently hypothesized the mechanisms of whiplash injury that can occur within the physiological range of neck motion (Ono et al., 1998). However, most mathematical models for investigation of the dynamic responses of the neck have been focused on representations of the general kinematics of the head-neck complex. Thus, their biofidelity has been mainly evaluated in terms of their ability to predict the time histories and peak values of the head angular and translational displacements and accelerations, e.g., de Jager (1996). They have not been validated against motions of the cervical vertebrae. Thus, it is not clear to what extent they can be applied in understanding the mechanics of injuries within the physiological range of neck motion.
机译:鞭打损伤的机制通常被认为涉及子宫颈过度伸展/过度屈曲以及相对于躯干的头部平移(Mertz and Patrick,1967)。另一方面,一些作者最近推测了在颈部运动的生理范围内可能发生的鞭打损伤的机制(Ono等,1998)。但是,大多数用于研究颈部动态响应的数学模型都集中在头颈部复合体的一般运动学表示上。因此,它们的生物保真度主要是根据它们预测头部角度和平移位移和加速度的时间历史和峰值的能力来评价的,例如de Jager(1996)。他们尚未针对颈椎运动进行过验证。因此,尚不清楚它们可在多大程度上应用于理解颈部运动生理范围内的损伤机理。



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