首页> 外文期刊>Computers and Electronics in Agriculture >Winter wheat biomass estimation based on spectral indices, band depth analysis and partial least squares regression using hyperspectral measurements.

Winter wheat biomass estimation based on spectral indices, band depth analysis and partial least squares regression using hyperspectral measurements.


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Crop aboveground biomass estimates are critical for assessing crop growth and predicting yield. In order to ascertain the optimal methods for winter wheat biomass estimation, this study compared the utility of univariate techniques involving narrow band vegetation indices and red-edge position (REP), as well as multivariate calibration techniques involving the partial least square regression (PLSR) analyses using band depth parameters, and the combination of band depth parameters and hyperspectral indices including narrow band indices and REP. Narrow band indices were calculated in the form of normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and soil adjusted vegetation index (SAVI) using all possible two-band combinations for selecting optimal narrow band indices. Band depth, band depth ratio (BDR), normalized band depth index, and band depth normalized to area extracted from a red absorption region (550 nm-750 nm) were utilized as band depth parameters. The results indicated that: (1) Compared with the traditional NDVI and SAVI constructed with bands at 670 nm and 800 nm and REP, the selected narrow band indices (optimal NDVI-like and optimal SAVI-like) produced higher estimation accuracy of the winter wheat biomass; (2) the PLSR models based on band depth parameters produced lower root mean square error, relative to the models based on the selected narrow band indices; and (3) the PLSR model based on the combination of optimal NDVI-like and BDR produced the best estimated result of the winter wheat biomass (R2=0.84, RMSE=0.177 kg/m2). The results of this study suggest that PLSR analysis using the combination of optimal NDVI-like and band depth parameters could significantly improve estimation accuracy of winter wheat biomass
机译:作物地上生物量的估计对于评估作物生长和预测产量至关重要。为了确定冬小麦生物量估算的最佳方法,本研究比较了涉及窄带植被指数和红边位置(REP)的单变量技术以及涉及偏最小二乘回归(PLSR)的多元校准技术的效用。使用波段深度参数以及波段深度参数和高光谱指数(包括窄带指数和REP)的组合进行分析。使用所有可能的两波段组合来选择最佳窄波段指数,以归一化差异植被指数(NDVI)和土壤调整植被指数(SAVI)的形式计算窄波段指数。将带深度,带深度比(BDR),归一化带深度指数和归一化至从红色吸收区域(550nm-750nm)提取的面积归一化的带深度用作带深度参数。结果表明:(1)与传统的NDVI和SAVI分别在670 nm和800 nm波段构建和REP相比,选择的窄带指数(最佳NDVI类和最佳SAVI类)产生了更高的冬季估计精度小麦生物量(2)与基于选定窄带指标的模型相比,基于谱带深度参数的PLSR模型产生了较低的均方根误差; (3)基于最佳NDVI-like和BDR组合的PLSR模型产生的冬小麦生物量的最佳估计结果(R 2 = 0.84,RMSE = 0.177 kg / m 2 )。研究结果表明,结合最佳NDVI样和带深度参数进行PLSR分析可以显着提高冬小麦生物量的估计准确性



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