
Great graphics at a lower price


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According to the recently released JPA Workstation Market Study 2001-2006, the average selling price of workstation graphics controllers has been steadily decreasing and is expected to continue decreasing an average of 33% per year from 2001 through 2006. That's good news if you're looking to buy. Along with dropping prices, the difference in power between graphics boards is narrowing. Jon Peddie of Jon Peddie Associates and author of the study explains that there used to be four or five grades of add-in boards (AIBs). Over the last three to five years, the differentiation has decreased dramatically, and now there are three major categories of AIBs for CAD users. This is more good news for CAD users in the market for new hardware because not as much separates lower-priced boards from the more expensive ones.
机译:根据最近发布的《 2001-2006年JPA工作站市场研究》,工作站图形控制器的平均销售价格一直在稳步下降,并且从2001年到2006年,预计将继续以每年平均33%的速度下降。想要购买。随着价格下降,图形板之间的功率差异也在缩小。 Jon Peddie Associates的Jon Peddie和该研究的作者解释说,过去有四或五个等级的插件板(AIB)。在过去的三到五年中,差异已大大减少,现在,CAD用户可使用三大类AIB。对于新硬件市场上的CAD用户而言,这是个好消息,因为将价格较低的电路板与价格较高的电路板分开的可能性不高。



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