首页> 外文期刊>Clinical & developmental immunology. >IFN-y Priming Effects on the Maintenance of Effector Memory CD4~+ T Cells and on Phagocyte Function:Evidences from Infectious Diseases

IFN-y Priming Effects on the Maintenance of Effector Memory CD4~+ T Cells and on Phagocyte Function:Evidences from Infectious Diseases

机译:IFN-γ引发对效应记忆CD4〜+ T细胞维持和吞噬细胞功能的影响:来自传染病的证据

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Although it has been established that effector memory CD4+ T cells play an important role in the protective immunity against chronic infections, little is known about the exact mechanisms responsible for their functioning and maintenance, as well as their effects on innate immune cells. Here we review recent data on the role of IFN-y priming as a mechanism affecting both innate immune cells and effector memory CD4+ T cells. Suboptimal concentrations of IFN-y are seemingly crucial for the optimization of innate immune cell functions (including phagocytosis and destruction of reminiscent pathogens), as well as for the survival and functioning of effector memory CD4+ T cells. Thus, IFN-y priming can thus be considered an important bridge between innate and adaptive immunity.
机译:尽管已经确定效应记忆CD4 + T细胞在针对慢性感染的保护性免疫中起重要作用,但对其功能和维持以及对先天免疫细胞的作用负责的确切机制知之甚少。在这里,我们审查有关干扰素-γ引发作为影响先天免疫细胞和效应记忆CD4 + T细胞的机制的作用的最新数据。最佳浓度的IFN-γ似乎对于优化先天免疫细胞功能(包括吞噬作用和使人想起病原体的破坏)以及效应记忆CD4 + T细胞的存活和功能至关重要。因此,IFN-γ引发因此可以被认为是先天免疫和适应性免疫之间的重要桥梁。



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