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A computational study of pyrazinamide: Tautomerism, acid-base properties, micro-solvation effects and acid hydrolysis mechanism


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Pyrazinamide (PZA) is a prodrug substance utilised in the treatment of tuberculosis related to mycobacterium strains. The activities of this compound are said to occur in acidic medium where it is converted to the active form of pyrazinoic acid. To better understand its molecular properties related to its ability to interact with other species in the body and to understand its reaction mechanism in acidic medium, the current study investigates conformational preferences, tautomerism, acid-base properties, interaction with explicit water solvent molecules as well as its hydrolysis in acidic medium. The study is performed utilising DFT/M06-2X, DFT/MPWB1K and the MP2 methods with several basis sets including 6-311+G(3df, 2p) and aug-cc-pVDZ. The results suggest that only the keto tautomeric form is stable and that its stability is strongly determined by the presence of intramolecular hydrogen bonds. The preferred site for protonation is the pyrazine nitrogen in meta position to the substituent group and the preferred site for deprotonation is the NH2 group. The micro-solvated systems are stabilised by the interplay between intramolecular hydrogen bond and intermolecular hydrogen bonds. The acid hydrolysis mechanism is achieved through the protonation of the sp-2 O atom, the formation of the tetrahedral C atom, resulting in its pyramidalisation and eventual weakening of the C—N bond, protonation of the N atom in the NH2 group, which is essential for the breaking of the C—N amide bond.
机译:吡嗪酰胺(PZA)是一种前药,用于治疗与分枝杆菌菌株有关的肺结核。据说该化合物的活性在酸性介质中发生,在酸性介质中它转化为吡嗪酸的活性形式。为了更好地了解其与人体内其他物种相互作用的能力相关的分子特性并了解其在酸性介质中的反应机理,本研究对构象偏好,互变异构,酸碱特性以及与明确的水溶剂分子的相互作用进行了研究。在酸性介质中水解。这项研究是利用DFT / M06-2X,DFT / MPWB1K和MP2方法进行的,具有6-311 + G(3df,2p)和aug-cc-pVDZ等几种基础集。结果表明,只有酮互变异构体形式是稳定的,并且其稳定性强烈地取决于分子内氢键的存在。质子化的优选位点是取代基间位的吡嗪氮,去质子化的优选位点是NH 2基。通过分子内氢键和分子间氢键之间的相互作用使微溶剂化系统稳定。酸水解机理是通过sp-2 O原子的质子化,四面体C原子的形成,导致其金字塔状化和最终削弱C-N键,使NH2基团中的N原子质子化来实现的。对于断开CN酰胺键是必不可少的。



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