首页> 外文期刊>Clinica chimica acta: International journal of clinical chemistry and applied molecular biology >Interaction of lead with some essential trace metals in the blood of anemic children from Lucknow, India.

Interaction of lead with some essential trace metals in the blood of anemic children from Lucknow, India.


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BACKGROUND: The effects of lead on the hematological system results in the inhibition of heme synthesis and in anemia. Lead may affect the absorption and metabolism of essential trace metals also. There is little information especially from the northern region of India regarding the relationship between blood lead levels>or=10 microg/dl and anemia in children. We performed a cross-sectional study to evaluate the association of blood lead levels>or=10 microg/dl with anemia, and its effect on hematological system and some essential trace metals in children. METHODS: A total of 75 children aged 1-7 years, 50 anemic (Hb8 g%), drawn from Lucknow, India and nearby areas were recruited to determine blood levels of lead, iron, zinc, copper, and calcium along with hematological parameters [delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (delta-ALAD) hemoglobin (Hb), hematocrit, and ascorbic acid]. RESULTS: Based on Centre for Disease Control and Prevention's intervention level of blood lead, children were categorized into those with blood lead<10 microg/dl (6.89+/-2.44) (n=19) (GI) and those with blood lead<10 microg/dl (21.86+/-7.58) (n=56) (GII). After adjustment for child's age, sex, and area of residence, children with blood lead levels>or=10 microg/dl were 2.87 (95% CI: 1.60-2.87) times as likely to have anemia as children with blood lead levels<10 microg/dl. The differences of the adjusted mean values of Hb, delta-ALAD, and hematocrit were significantly lower in children from the GII group when compared to children from the GI group (p<0.01, p<0.01, and p<0.05, respectively). Among essential trace metals, adjusted mean levels of blood iron, zinc, and calcium were significantly lower in GII as compared to GI (P<0.05 each). There were significant negative correlations of blood lead levels with delta-ALAD (r=-0.612, p<0.01), hematocrit (r=-0.427, p<0.05), iron (r=-0.552, p<0.05) zinc (r=-0.427, p<0.05), and calcium (r=-0.324, p<0.05). CONCLUSION: Results indicate that elevated blood leadlevels (>or=10 microg/dl) in children were significantly associated with risk of anemia and that blood lead levels also influenced the status of essential trace metals. However, results of this study may be limited due to limited sample size but certainly form the basis of a larger sample size study, taking into account all the known potential confounders of anemia in children.
机译:背景:铅对血液系统的影响导致血红素合成的抑制和贫血。铅也可能影响必需微量金属的吸收和代谢。鲜有关于印度儿童血铅水平≥10microg / dl与贫血之间关系的信息,尤其是印度北部地区。我们进行了一项横断面研究,以评估血铅水平≥10microg / dl与贫血之间的关系,以及其对儿童血液系统和某些必需微量金属的影响。方法:从印度拉克瑙和附近地区抽取了75名1至7岁的儿童,50名贫血(Hb <或= 8 g%)和25名非贫血(Hb> 8 g%)来测定血液。铅,铁,锌,铜和钙的水平以及血液学参数[δ-氨基乙酰丙酸脱水酶(delta-ALAD)血红蛋白(Hb),血细胞比容和抗坏血酸]。结果:根据疾病预防控制中心对血铅的干预水平,将儿童分为血铅<10 microg / dl(6.89 +/- 2.44)(n = 19)(GI)和血铅< 10微克/分升(21.86 +/- 7.58)(n = 56)(GII)。调整了孩子的年龄,性别和居住面积后,血铅水平>或= 10 microg / dl的儿童患贫血的可能性是血铅水平<10的儿童的2.87倍(95%CI:1.60-2.87)微克/分升与GI组患儿相比,GII组患儿的Hb,δ-ALAD和血细胞比容调整平均值的差异显着更低(分别为p <0.01,p <0.01和p <0.05)。在必需的痕量金属中,与GI相比,GII中经调节的血铁,锌和钙的平均水平显着降低(每个P <0.05)。血铅水平与delta-ALAD(r = -0.612,p <0.01),血细胞比容(r = -0.427,p <0.05),铁(r = -0.552,p <0.05)与锌(r = -0.427,p <0.05)和钙(r = -0.324,p <0.05)。结论:结果表明,儿童血铅水平升高(> == 10 microg / dl)与贫血风险显着相关,血铅水平也影响必需微量金属的状况。但是,由于样本量有限,这项研究的结果可能会受到限制,但考虑到所有已知的儿童贫血潜在的混杂因素,该研究一定会构成更大样本量研究的基础。



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