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Effects of ageing on the activation metabolism of rat papillary muscles.


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1. A myothermic technique has been used to investigate the mechanics and energetics of left ventricular papillary muscles from 6-, 15-, 22- and 27-32-month-old Sprague-Dawley rats. 2. There was a significant increase in the left ventricular mass to body mass (LVM:BM) ratio in the senescent. 27-32-month-old group of animals compared with the younger animals (P<0.05). 3. The maximum stress developed in the senescent groups was reduced by almost 40% in comparison with the stress developed by the 6-, 15- and 22-month-old groups (P<0.001). The mean rise time, half relaxation time and half width were increased significantly (P<0.05) in the 22-month-old group but, unexpectedly, this effect was not seen in the senescent group. 4. Heat production per beat versus total stress relationships were obtained in two different ways to determine the magnitude of the activation heat and the isometric economy (given by the slope of the relationship). The activation heat was not significantly different between groups with either method, but there was a significant increase (P<0.001) in the economy with which stress was developed in the senescent group in comparison with the 6- and 15-month-old groups. 5. A combination of forskolin (2.5-6.5 micromol/L) and high Ca2+ (7.5 mmol/L) was used to increase the energy usage per beat. In the 6- and 15-month-old groups, these agents caused a four-fold increase in the activation heat magnitude compared with a less than two-fold increase in the 22-month-old and senescent groups (P<0.001). There was no effect of forskolin/high calcium on the slope of the heat:total stress relationship. 6. The data suggest that, under conditions known to increase cardiac contractility, there is a reduced ability to cycle calcium in the 22-month-old and senescent groups relative to the young adult 6-month-old and adult 15-month-old groups.
机译:1.已使用肌热疗法技术研究了6、15、22、27和27-32个月大的Sprague-Dawley大鼠的左心室乳头肌的力学和能量。 2.衰老中左心室质量与体重的比例(LVM:BM)显着增加。 27-32个月大的动物组与年幼的动物相比(P <0.05)。 3.与6、15和22个月大组所产生的压力相比,衰老组所产生的最大压力降低了近40%(P <0.001)。在22个月大的组中,平均上升时间,一半的放松时间和一半的宽度显着增加(P <0.05),但是出乎意料的是,在衰老组中没有看到这种效果。 4.以两种不同的方式获得每搏产生的热量与总应力的关系,以确定激活热量的大小和等距经济性(由关系的斜率决定)。两种方法在两组之间的激活热没有显着差异,但是与6和15个月大的组相比,衰老组的经济发展显着增加(P <0.001)。 5.使用福司高林(2.5-6.5 micromol / L)和高Ca2 +(7.5 mmol / L)的组合来增加每搏的能量消耗。在6个月和15个月大的组中,这些药物导致活化热值增加了4倍,而22个月大和衰老组中的增加不到2倍(P <0.001)。毛喉素/高钙对热与总应力关系的斜率没有影响。 6.数据表明,在已知会增加心脏收缩力的条件下,相对于6个月大的成年人和15个月大的成年人,22个月大和衰老的人群中钙循环的能力降低。组。



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