首页> 外文期刊>Biophysical Journal >A multiscale dynamic model of DNA supercoil relaxation by topoisomerase IB.

A multiscale dynamic model of DNA supercoil relaxation by topoisomerase IB.


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In this study, we report what we believe to be the first multiscale simulation of the dynamic relaxation of DNA supercoils by human topoisomerase IB (topo IB). We leverage our previous molecular dynamics calculations of the free energy landscape describing the interaction between a short DNA fragment and topo IB. Herein, this landscape is used to prescribe boundary conditions for a computational, elastodynamic continuum rod model of a long length of supercoiled DNA. The rod model, which accounts for the nonlinear bending, twisting, and electrostatic interaction of the (negatively charged) DNA backbone, is extended to include the hydrodynamic drag induced by the surrounding physiological buffer. Simulations for a 200-bp-long DNA supercoil in complex with topo IB reveal a relaxation timescale of approximately 0.1-1.0 mus. The relaxation follows a sequence of cascading reductions in the supercoil linking number (Lk), twist (Tw), and writhe (Wr) that follow companion cascading reductions in the supercoil elastic and electrostatic energies. The novel (to our knowledge) multiscale modeling method may enable simulations of the entire experimental setup that measures DNA supercoiling and relaxation via single molecule magnetic trapping.
机译:在这项研究中,我们报告了我们认为是人类拓扑异构酶IB(拓扑糖IB)对DNA超螺旋动态松弛的第一个多尺度模拟。我们利用先前对自由能态的分子动力学计算来描述短的DNA片段和topo IB之间的相互作用。在此,此景观用于为长长度超螺旋DNA的计算,弹性动力学连续体杆模型规定边界条件。杆模型解释了(带负电荷的)DNA主链的非线性弯曲,扭曲和静电相互作用,并被扩展为包括由周围生理缓冲液引起的流体动力学阻力。与topo IB复合的200 bp长的DNA超螺旋的模拟显示弛豫时间范围约为0.1-1.0 mus。松弛是随着超线圈的弹性能和静电能的级联减少而导致的超线圈链接数(Lk),捻度(Tw)和绕线(Wr)的一系列级联减少。这种新颖的(据我们所知)多尺度建模方法可以模拟整个实验装置,该装置通过单分子磁阱测量DNA超螺旋和弛豫。



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