首页> 外文期刊>Communications in Mathematical Physics >The Entropy Production of Diffusion Processes on Manifolds and Its Circulation Decompositions

The Entropy Production of Diffusion Processes on Manifolds and Its Circulation Decompositions


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In non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, the entropy production is used to describe flowing in or pumping out of the entropy of a time-dependent system. Even if a system is in a steady state (invariant in time), Prigogine suggested that there should be a positive entropy production if it is open. In 1979, the first author of this paper and Qian Min-Ping discovered that the entropy production describes the irreversibility of stationary Markov chains, and proved the circulation decomposition formula of the entropy production. They also obtained the entropy production formula for drifted Brownian motions on Euclidean space R~n (see a report without proof in the Proc. 1st World Congr. Bernoulli Soc.). By the topological triviality of R~n, there is no discrete circulation associated to the diffusion processes on R~n. In this paper, the entropy production formula for stationary drifted Brownian motions on a compact Riemannian manifold M is proved. Furthermore, the entropy production is decomposed into two parts - in addition to the first part analogous to that of a diffusion process on R~n, some discrete circulations intrinsic to the topology of M appear! The first part is called the hidden circulation and is then explained as the circulation of a lifted process on M * S~1 around the circle S~1. The main result of this paper is the circulation decomposition formula which states that the entropy production of a stationary drifted Brownian motion on M is a linear sum of its circulations around the generators of the fundamental group of M and the hidden circulation.
机译:在非平衡统计力学中,熵产生用于描述时变系统的熵的流入或流出。即使系统处于稳定状态(时间不变),Prigogine建议,如果系统处于开放状态,也应产生正熵。 1979年,本文的第一作者钱谦平发现熵产生描述了平稳马尔可夫链的不可逆性,并证明了熵产生的循环分解公式。他们还获得了在欧几里得空间R〜n上布朗运动的熵产生公式(参见Proc。1st World Congr。Bernoulli Soc。中没有证据的报告)。根据R〜n的拓扑琐碎性,不存在与R〜n上扩散过程相关的离散循环。证明了紧黎曼流形M上平稳漂移布朗运动的熵产生公式。此外,熵的产生被分解为两部分-除了第一部分类似于在R〜n上的扩散过程之外,还出现了M拓扑固有的一些离散环!第一部分称为隐藏循环,然后解释为围绕圆S〜1在M * S〜1上的提升过程的循环。本文的主要结果是循环分解公式,该公式表明M上的平稳漂移布朗运动的熵产生是M的基本群的生成器周围的循环和隐藏循环的线性和。



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