
The folk conception of knowledge


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How do people decide which claims should be considered mere beliefs and which count as knowledge? Although little is known about how people attribute knowledge to others, philosophical debate about the nature of knowledge may provide a starting point. Traditionally, a belief that is both true and justified was thought to constitute knowledge. However, philosophers now agree that this account is inadequate, due largely to a class of counterexamples (termed " Gettier cases") in which a person's justified belief is true, but only due to luck. We report four experiments examining the effect of truth, justification, and " Gettiering" on people's knowledge attributions. These experiments show that: (1) people attribute knowledge to others only when their beliefs are both true and justified; (2) in contrast to contemporary philosophers, people also attribute knowledge to others in Gettier situations; and (3) knowledge is not attributed in one class of Gettier cases, but only because the agent's belief is based on " apparent" evidence. These findings suggest that the lay concept of knowledge is roughly consistent with the traditional account of knowledge as justified true belief, and also point to a major difference between the epistemic intuitions of laypeople and those of philosophers.
机译:人们如何决定哪些主张应被视为单纯的信仰,哪些应视为知识?尽管人们对人们如何将知识归于他人知之甚少,但有关知识本质的哲学争论可能会提供一个起点。传统上,一种既真实又合理的信念被认为构成知识。但是,哲学家们现在认为,这种解释是不充分的,这在很大程度上归因于一类反例(称为“ Gettier案例”),在这种反例中,一个人的正当信念是真实的,但仅仅是由于运气。我们报告了四个实验,这些实验研究了事实,证明和“ Gettiering”对人们的知识归因的影响。这些实验表明:(1)人们只有在信念既真实又合理的情况下才将知识归于他人; (2)与当代哲学家相比,人们在格蒂尔的情况下也将知识归于他人; (3)知识不是归因于一类Gettier案件,而仅仅是因为代理人的信念基于“明显”证据。这些发现表明,外行知识的概念与作为合理真实信念的传统知识的描述大致相符,并且指出了外行人的认知直觉与哲学家的认知直觉之间的重大差异。



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