首页> 外文期刊>Cognition: International Journal of Cognitive Psychology >From domain-generality to domain-sensitivity: 4-Month-olds learn an abstract repetition rule in music that 7-month-olds do not

From domain-generality to domain-sensitivity: 4-Month-olds learn an abstract repetition rule in music that 7-month-olds do not


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Learning must be constrained for it to lead to productive generalizations. Although biology is undoubtedly an important source of constraints, prior experience may be another, leading learners to represent input in ways that are more conducive to some generalizations than others, and/or to up- and down-weight features when entertaining generalizations. In two experiments, 4-month-old and 7-month-old infants were familiarized with sequences of musical chords or tones adhering either to an AAB pattern or an ABA pattern. In both cases, the 4-month-olds learned the generalization, but the 7-month-olds did not. The success of the 4-month-olds appears to contradict an account that this type of pattern learning is the provenance of a language-specific rule-learning module. It is not yet clear what drives the age-related change, but plausible candidates include differential experience with language and music, as well as interactions between general cognitive development and stimulus complexity.
机译:学习必须受到约束,才能导致富有成效的概括。尽管生物学无疑是制约因素的重要来源,但先前的经验可能是另一种经验,导致学习者以比其他概括更有助于某些概括和/或在进行概括时更有助于权重和权重特征的方式来表示输入。在两个实验中,使4个月大和7个月大的婴儿熟悉了附着于AAB模式或ABA模式的音乐和弦或音调的序列。在这两种情况下,4个月大的孩子都学会了泛化,但7个月大的孩子却没有。 4个月大的孩子的成功似乎与这种模式学习与特定语言的规则学习模块的起源相矛盾。目前尚不清楚什么因素推动了与年龄有关的变化,但可能的候选人包括语言和音乐方面的差异经验,以及一般认知发展与刺激复杂性之间的相互作用。



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