首页> 外文期刊>癌と化学療法 >A case of elderly non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) treated in cooperation with a local hospital and with vinorelbine monotherapy

A case of elderly non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) treated in cooperation with a local hospital and with vinorelbine monotherapy


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We report an elderly advanced NSCLC patient effectively treated with vinorelbine on an outpatient basis in cooperation with his family doctor. A 79-year-old man was referred to our hospital for evaluation of a nodular shadow in his right lung. Chest CT scan showed a 2.0 cm tumor shadow in right S1, and small nodular shadows in right S4 and left S5. Neck lymph node biopsy yielded a diagnosis of adenocarcinoma. The clinical stage was IV, and he underwent chemotherapy of vinorelbine 25 mg/m2 on days 1 and 8. The regimen opted for a setup of a schedule, while the dose of vinorelbine and evaluation by CT were done in our hospital. This regimen was well tolerated and suitable. The patient could receive long-term continuation of the chemotherapy medication, and showed improvement in terms of prolongation of life and QOL.
机译:我们报告了一位老年晚期NSCLC患者与他的家庭医生合作在门诊接受长春瑞滨有效治疗。一名79岁的男子被转介到我们医院,以评估其右肺中的结节性阴影。胸部CT扫描显示右侧S1有一个2.0 cm的肿瘤阴影,右侧S4和左侧S5有小的结节性阴影。颈部淋巴结活检可诊断出腺癌。临床阶段为IV,他在第1天和第8天接受了长春瑞滨25 mg / m2的化疗。该方案选择了时间表,而长春瑞滨的剂量和CT评估均在我院进行。该方案耐受性良好且合适。该患者可以长期接受化疗药物,并且在寿命延长和生活质量方面表现出改善。



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