首页> 外文期刊>癌と化学療法 >Formulation of policies for promoting home medical care by a university hospital--report of planned and convened case review sessions

Formulation of policies for promoting home medical care by a university hospital--report of planned and convened case review sessions


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It is no exaggeration to say that the linkage among the persons in various specialties, medical staff including the home doctors and visiting nurses, and those related to social welfare is essential for supporting and promoting the terminal care at home of the patients heavily dependent on medical care, as well as the patients and their families with problems in the nursing ability. Good understanding of other specialties and compensation for each other are considered to enable effective service to the patients. At our hospital, we have planned and convened case review sessions for the past two years. The sessions were proved to have the following merits that helped creation of teamwork for smoothly promoting medical care at home: 1. Persons in each specialty became able to play respective roles properly; 2. Measures to be taken were revealed, thereby inducing changes in the subsequent care; 3. The efforts made in the community could be understood and the problems to be wrestled within the hospital were suggested; 4. Smooth cooperation with visiting nurses and home doctors was achieved; 5. Nursing from a broader point of view became possible; and 6. A place for identifying problems and tasks under the present situation was provided.
机译:毫不夸张地说,各专业人士,包括家庭医生和来访护士在内的医务人员以及与社会福利有关的人员之间的联系对于支持和促进严重依赖医疗的患者在家中的最终护理至关重要。护理,以及患者及其家属的护理能力存在问题。对其他专业知识的充分理解和彼此的补偿被认为可以为患者提供有效的服务。在我们医院,我们已经计划并召开了过去两年的病例回顾会议。实践证明,这些会议具有以下优点,有助于建立团队合作精神,以顺利促进家庭医疗服务:1.每个专业领域的人都能够适当地发挥各自的作用; 2.揭示了要采取的措施,从而引起了后续护理的变化; 3.可以理解在社区中所做的努力,并建议在医院内应解决的问题; 4.与访问护士和家庭医生的顺利合作; 5.从更广泛的角度看护成为可能; 6.提供了一个在当前情况下识别问题和任务的场所。



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