首页> 外文期刊>植物防疫所調查研究報告 >Evaluation of Treatment Schedule for Several Insect Pests on Fruit and Vegetables with Methyl Iodide Fumigation.

Evaluation of Treatment Schedule for Several Insect Pests on Fruit and Vegetables with Methyl Iodide Fumigation.


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The mortality effects of 2 hours exposure to methyl iodide (MI) at10 or 15°C were examined using seven species of insect pests associated with fruit and vegetables. As the result of fumigation at 15°C, the larval stage of Frankliniella intonsa showed less susceptibility within two species of thrips. A dose of 9.3 mg/1 was required to obtain 100% mortality. The 3rd nymph and adult female stages of PlanoQoccus citri were more tolerant than its egg stage. 100% mortality was obtained at a dose of 29.4mg/1. As the result of fumigation at 10°C, Aphis craccivora was more tolerant than Myzus persicae. A dose of 7.7 mg/1 was required to obtain 100% mortality. Tetranychus kanzawai and Tetranychus urticae showed similar susceptibility. 100% mortality wasobtained at a dose of 13.9 mg/1. CT values were approximated by the results of the current study and prior survey, obtaining 100% mortality for each insect pest. The draft treatment schedules were then evaluated by insect pest group and commodity group.2 hours fumigation was considered a feasible schedule for aphid, spider mite and thrips, and 3 hours fumigation was recommended for mealybug.
机译:使用7种与水果和蔬菜相关的害虫,研究了在10或15°C下暴露于甲基碘(MI)2小时的死亡率影响。在15°C熏蒸的结果是,Frankliniella intonsa的幼虫期对两种蓟马的敏感性较低。为了获得100%的死亡率,需要9.3 mg / 1的剂量。柑橘PlanoQoccus的第三个若虫和成年雌性阶段比其卵期更耐。 29.4mg / 1的剂量可获得100%的死亡率。由于在10°C熏蒸,所以蚜虫比桃蚜更能忍受。为达到100%的死亡率,需要7.7 mg / 1的剂量。斑节对虾(Tetranychus kanzawai)和荨麻口对虾(Tetranychus urticae)显示出相似的敏感性。 13.9 mg / 1的剂量可获得100%的死亡率。通过当前研究和先前调查的结果对CT值进行估算,得出每种害虫的100%死亡率。然后由病虫害组和商品组评估处理方案草案。对蚜虫,红蜘蛛和蓟马进行2小时熏蒸被认为是可行的方案,对粉虱建议进行3小时熏蒸。



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