
Nicotine exposure alters in vivo human responses to endotoxin.


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The alpha 7 nicotinic receptor is reportedly a key element in the cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway. Because a prototypical ligand for this receptor is nicotine, we studied the in vivo human response to bacterial endotoxin or lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in the context of nicotine or placebo pretreatment. Twelve adult male normal subjects were studied prospectively. Six received overnight transcutaneous nicotine administration by application of a standard patch (7 mg). Six hours later, all subjects were given an intravenous dose of endotoxin (2 ng/kg) and were evaluated for an additional 24 h for circulating levels of inflammatory biomarkers, vital signs and symptoms. The nicotine subjects had elevated blood levels of the nicotine metabolite, continine, prior to and throughout the 24-h post-endotoxin exposure phase. Subjects receiving nicotine exhibited a significantly lower temperature response as well as attenuated cardiovascular responses for 2.5-6 h after LPS exposure. In addition, increased circulating interkeukin (IL)-10 and cortisol levels were also noted in nicotine subjects. These data indicate an alteration in LPS-induced systemic inflammatory responses in normal subjects exposed to transcutaneous nicotine. In this model of abbreviated inflammation, nicotine exposure attenuates the febrile response to LPS and promotes a more prominent anti-inflammatory phenotype.
机译:据报道,α7烟碱受体是胆碱能抗炎途径中的关键元素。因为该受体的原型配体是尼古丁,所以我们在尼古丁或安慰剂预处理的情况下研究了人体对细菌内毒素或脂多糖(LPS)的反应。前瞻性研究了十二名成年男性正常人。六名患者通过应用标准贴剂(7 mg)接受了隔夜的尼古丁经皮给药。六小时后,所有受试者均接受静脉内剂量的内毒素(2 ng / kg)治疗,并在另外24小时内评估其炎症生物标志物,生命体征和症状的循环水平。在暴露于内毒素后24小时之前和整个暴露过程中,尼古丁受试者的血液中尼古丁代谢产物continine的血药浓度升高。 LPS暴露后2.5-6小时,接受尼古丁的受试者表现出明显较低的温度反应以及减弱的心血管反应。另外,在尼古丁受试者中还发现循环中的间质白蛋白(IL)-10和皮质醇水平升高。这些数据表明,在暴露于经皮尼古丁的正常受试者中,LPS诱导的全身炎症反应发生了改变。在这种简短的炎症模型中,尼古丁暴露会减弱对LPS的发热反应,并促进更显着的抗炎表型。



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