首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Surgical Oncology >ret/PTC expression may be associated with local invasion of thyroid papillary carcinoma.

ret/PTC expression may be associated with local invasion of thyroid papillary carcinoma.

机译:ret / PTC表达可能与甲状腺乳头状癌的局部浸润有关。

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The exact role of ret/PTC in the development of papillary carcinoma remains unclear. Expression of the ret/PTC oncogene was examined immunohistochemically to address its role in the progression of thyroid carcinomas. METHODS: Paraffin-embedded samples from 34 clinically evident thyroid papillary carcinomas and 19 occult papillary carcinomas were analyzed using an antibody raised against the ret tyrosine kinase domain. RESULTS: Expression of ret/PTC was demonstrated in 6/19 (32%) occult carcinomas. The frequency of expression of ret/PTC in clinically evident carcinomas in 16/34 (47%) was significantly higher than in normal tissues (0%) and follicular adenomas (1/14, 7%, P < 0.01).ret/PTC expression was observed more frequently in the peripheral areas of clinically evident carcinomas (P < 0.01). Although there was no correlation of ret/PTC expression with tumor size, lymph node metastasis, or distant metastasis, the incidence of ret/PTC expression in tumors with extrathyroidal invasion (13/19, 68%) was significantly higher than those without extrathyroidal invasion (3/15, 20%, P < 0.01). Local invasion was found in none of the occult carcinomas. The frequency of expression in occult carcinomas was significantly lower than in clinically evident carcinomas with extrathyroidal invasion (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The ret/PTC oncogene may be involved in the local invasion of thyroid papillary carcinomas.
机译:背景和目的:ret / PTC在乳头状癌发展中的确切作用仍不清楚。免疫组织化学检查了ret / PTC癌基因的表达,以解决其在甲状腺癌进展中的作用。方法:使用针对ret酪氨酸激酶结构域的抗体分析了34例临床上明显的甲状腺乳头状癌和19例隐匿性乳头状癌的石蜡包埋样品。结果:ret / PTC的表达在6/19(32%)隐匿性癌中得到证实。 ret / PTC在临床明显癌中的表达频率为16/34(47%),显着高于正常组织(0%)和滤泡性腺瘤(1/14,7%,P <0.01)。在临床上明显癌变的周围区域更频繁地观察到表达(P <0.01)。尽管ret / PTC表达与肿瘤大小,淋巴结转移或远处转移无相关性,但在甲状腺外侵犯的肿瘤中ret / PTC表达的发生率(13/19,68%)明显高于没有甲状腺外侵犯的肿瘤(3 / 15,20%,P <0.01)。在所有隐匿性癌中均未发现局部浸润。隐匿性癌中的表达频率显着低于具有甲状腺外侵犯的临床上明显的癌(P <0.05)。结论:ret / PTC癌基因可能参与甲状腺乳头状癌的局部浸润。



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