首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Surgical Oncology >Basal cell carcinoma of the vulva.

Basal cell carcinoma of the vulva.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Vulvar basal cell carcinoma (BCC) accounts for 7% of all vulvar cancers at two hospitals in the south of Israel. The purpose of this study was to investigate the clinical findings, treatment and outcome of patients with vulvar BCC treated at these institutions. METHODS: Data from the files of eight patients with vulvar BCC who were managed at two regional hospitals in the south of Israel (Soroka Medical Center, Beer-Sheva and Kaplan Hospital, Rehovot) between January 1961 and December 1997 were evaluated. RESULTS: Mean age at diagnosis was 70.5 years. A history of other primary cancers was encountered in two patients. Prevailing presenting symptoms were vulvar lump, ulcer, itching, and bleeding. The tumor was most often located on the labium major and its mean size was 2.25 cm. Six patients had wide local excision, one had excisional biopsy, and one had hemivulvectomy. Two patients developed local recurrence and were treated by wide local reexcision and hemivulvectomy, respectively. At follow-up, no patient developed regional and/or distant metastases, or died of BCC. CONCLUSIONS: Vulvar BCC is characterized by an indolent behavior with a very low propensity for metastatic spread. The treatment of choice is wide local excision. Because of a substantial risk of local recurrence and high frequency of other primary cancers, close long-term follow-up is essential.
机译:背景与目的:在以色列南部的两家医院中,外阴基底细胞癌(BCC)占所有外阴癌的7%。这项研究的目的是调查在这些机构接受外阴BCC治疗的患者的临床发现,治疗和结果。方法:评估了1961年1月至1997年12月间在以色列南部的两家地区医院(Soroka医疗中心,Beer-Sheva和Kaplan医院,Rehovot)管理的8例外阴BCC患者的档案数据。结果:诊断时的平均年龄为70.5岁。两名患者有其他原发癌病史。主要表现为外阴肿块,溃疡,瘙痒和出血。肿瘤最常位于大唇上,平均大小为2.25厘米。 6例患者广泛局部切除,1例进行了活检,1例进行了半静脉切除。两名患者出现局部复发,分别接受了广泛的局部切除术和半静脉切除术。随访时,无患者发生区域和/或远处转移,或死于BCC。结论:外阴BCC的特征是行为惰性,转移扩散的可能性很低。选择的治疗方法是广泛的局部切除术。由于存在局部复发的高风险和其他原发癌的高发率,因此密切长期随访至关重要。



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