首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine >Cases:—Sarcoma of Cervix. Primary Carcinoma of Fallopian Tube. Primary Sarcoma of Fallopian Tube. Grossesse Extramembraneuse. An Unusual Ectopic Pregnancy. Chocolate Cysts of the Ovary (Ovarian Endometriosis) and Pregnancy: A Report of Two Cases Occurring in Sisters. Acromegaly with Pregnancy. Anæmia in a Rhesus-negative Woman during Pregnancy with a Rhesus-positive Fœtus. Breech Presentation with Fracture of the Fœtal Neck: Recovery. Ulceration of the Mouth Associated with Recurrent Ulceration of Vulva. Tuberculosis of the Cervix Uterus and Appendages. Necrosis of the Liver and Massive Bilateral Suprarenal Hæmorrhage in a Puerperal Woman. Torsion of the Pregnant Uterus. Rupture of the Symphysis Pubis. Symphyseal Osteo-arthropathy. Rupture of the Uterus Self-produced. Hydatidiform Mole with a 16-Weeks Fœtus. Papillary Cystic Carcinoma. Granulosa-cell Carcinoma. Papillomatous Adenoma. Retroperitoneal Hæmorrhage Causing Death in a Woman near Term

Cases:—Sarcoma of Cervix. Primary Carcinoma of Fallopian Tube. Primary Sarcoma of Fallopian Tube. Grossesse Extramembraneuse. An Unusual Ectopic Pregnancy. Chocolate Cysts of the Ovary (Ovarian Endometriosis) and Pregnancy: A Report of Two Cases Occurring in Sisters. Acromegaly with Pregnancy. Anæmia in a Rhesus-negative Woman during Pregnancy with a Rhesus-positive Fœtus. Breech Presentation with Fracture of the Fœtal Neck: Recovery. Ulceration of the Mouth Associated with Recurrent Ulceration of Vulva. Tuberculosis of the Cervix Uterus and Appendages. Necrosis of the Liver and Massive Bilateral Suprarenal Hæmorrhage in a Puerperal Woman. Torsion of the Pregnant Uterus. Rupture of the Symphysis Pubis. Symphyseal Osteo-arthropathy. Rupture of the Uterus Self-produced. Hydatidiform Mole with a 16-Weeks Fœtus. Papillary Cystic Carcinoma. Granulosa-cell Carcinoma. Papillomatous Adenoma. Retroperitoneal Hæmorrhage Causing Death in a Woman near Term

机译:病例:宫颈肉瘤。输卵管原发癌。输卵管原发性肉瘤。 Grossesse膜外。异位妊娠。卵巢巧克力囊肿(卵巢子宫内膜异位症)和妊娠:两例姐妹病例报告。肢端肥大症与怀孕。猕猴阴性孕妇在怀孕期间出现恒河猴阳性胎儿。臀位骨折与臀颈部骨折:恢复。与外阴复发性溃疡相关的口腔溃疡。子宫颈子宫和附件的结核病。产妇的肝脏坏死和双侧肾上大出血。怀孕子宫的扭曲。耻骨联合破裂。 phy骨骨关节炎。子宫破裂自产。葡萄胎与16周胎儿。乳头状囊性癌。颗粒细胞癌。乳头状腺瘤。足月后一名妇女死于腹膜后出血





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