首页> 外文期刊>Journal of cellular biochemistry. >Enhanced connexin 43 expression delays intra-mitotic duration and cell cycle traverse independently of gap junction channel function.

Enhanced connexin 43 expression delays intra-mitotic duration and cell cycle traverse independently of gap junction channel function.


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Connexins (Cxs) and gap junction (GJ)-mediated communication have been linked with the regulation of cell cycle traverse. However, it is not clear whether Cx expression or GJ channel function are the key mediators in this process or at what stage this regulation may occur. We therefore tested the hypothesis that enhanced Cx expression could alter the rate of cell cycle traverse independently of GJ channel function. Sodium butyrate (NaBu) or anti-arrhythmic peptide (AAP10) were used to enhance Cx expression in HeLa cells stably expressing Cx43 (HeLa-43) and primary cultures of human fibroblasts (HFF) that predominantly express Cx43. To reduce GJ-mediated communication, 18-alpha-glycyrrhetinic acid (GA) was used. In HeLa-43 and HFF cells, NaBu and AAP10 enhanced Cx43 expression and increased channel function, while GA reduced GJ-mediated communication but did not significantly alter Cx43 expression levels. Timelapse microscopy and flow cytometry of HeLa-WT (wild-type, Cx deficient) and HeLa-43 cells dissected cell cycle traverse and enabled measurements of intra-mitotic time and determined levels of G1 arrest. Enhanced Cx43 expression increased mitotic durations corresponding with a G1 delay in cell cycle, which was linked to an increase in expression of the cell cycle inhibitor p21(waf1/cip1) in both HeLa-43 and HFF cells. Reductions in Cx43 channel function did not abrogate these responses, indicating that GJ channel function was not a critical factor in reducing cell proliferation in either cell type. We conclude that enhanced Cx43 expression and not GJ-mediated communication, is involved in regulating cell cycle traverse.
机译:连接蛋白(Cxs)和间隙连接(GJ)介导的沟通已与细胞周期遍历的调节联系在一起。但是,尚不清楚Cx表达或GJ通道功能是此过程中的关键介体,还是该调节可能在什么阶段发生。因此,我们检验了以下假设:增强的Cx表达可以独立于GJ通道功能改变细胞周期的遍历速率。丁酸钠(NaBu)或抗心律失常肽(AAP10)用于增强稳定表达Cx43(HeLa-43)的HeLa细胞和主要表达Cx43的人成纤维细胞(HFF)的原代培养物中Cx的表达。为了减少GJ介导的交流,使用了18-α-甘草次酸(GA)。在HeLa-43和HFF细胞中,NaBu和AAP10增强了Cx43的表达并增强了通道功能,而GA减少了GJ介导的沟通,但并未显着改变Cx43的表达水平。 HeLa-WT(野生型,Cx缺陷型)和HeLa-43细胞的时移显微镜和流式细胞术解剖了细胞周期,可以测量有丝分裂时间和确定的G1阻滞水平。增强的Cx43表达增加了有丝分裂持续时间,与细胞周期的G1延迟相对应,这与HeLa-43和HFF细胞中细胞周期抑制剂p21(waf1 / cip1)表达的增加有关。 Cx43通道功能的降低并没有消除这些反应,这表明GJ通道功能并不是降低两种细胞类型细胞增殖的关键因素。我们得出结论,增强的Cx43表达而不是GJ介导的通讯,参与调节细胞周期的遍历。



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