首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology >Stiffening of the Extrapulmonary Arteries From Rats in Chronic Hypoxic Pulmonary Hypertension

Stiffening of the Extrapulmonary Arteries From Rats in Chronic Hypoxic Pulmonary Hypertension


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Changes in the compliance properties of large blood vessels are critical determinants of ventricular afterload and ultimately dysfunction. Little is known of the mechanical properties of large vessels exhibiting pulmonary hypertension, particularly the trunk and right main artery. We initiated a study to investigate the influence of chronic hypoxic pulmonary hypertension on the mechanical properties of the extrapulmonary arteries of rats. One group of animals was housed at the equivalent of 5000 m elevation for three weeks and the other held at ambient conditions of approx1600 m. The two groups were matched in age and gender. The animals exposed to hypobaric hypoxia exhibited signs of pulmonary hypertension, as evidenced by an increase in the RV/(LV+S) heart weight ratio. The extrapulmonary arteries of the hypoxic animals were also thicker than those of the control population. Histological examination revealed increased thickness of the media and additional deposits of collagen in the adventitia. The mechanical properties of the trunk, and the right and left main pulmonary arteries were assessed; at a representative pressure (7 kPa), the two populations exhibited different quantities of stretch for each section. At higher pressures we noted less deformation among the arteries from hypoxic animals as compared with controls. A four-parameter constitutive model was employed to fit and analyze the data. We conclude that chronic hypoxic pulmonary hypertension is associated with a stiffening of all the extrapulmonary arteries.
机译:大血管顺应性的变化是心室后负荷乃至功能障碍的关键决定因素。对表现出肺动脉高压的大血管的机械特性知之甚少,尤其是躯干和右主动脉。我们启动了一项研究,以研究慢性低氧性肺动脉高压对大鼠肺外动脉机械特性的影响。一组动物在相当于海拔5000 m的地方饲养三周,另一组则在约1600 m的环境条件下饲养。两组的年龄和性别均相匹配。暴露于低压缺氧的动物​​表现出肺动脉高压的迹象,如RV /(LV + S)心脏重量比的增加所证明。低氧动物的肺外动脉也比对照人群的肺动脉厚。组织学检查显示介质厚度增加,外膜中胶原蛋白沉积增加。评估躯干,左右主要肺动脉的机械性能;在代表压力(7 kPa)下,两个部分的每个部分的拉伸量不同。在较高的压力下,我们发现与对照相比,低氧动物的动脉变形较少。采用四参数本构模型拟合和分析数据。我们得出结论,慢性低氧性肺动脉高压与所有肺外动脉的硬化有关。



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