首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Physical Society of Japan >Moving domain boundary and the spontaneous flow of thermal current controlled by magnetic field in spinel MnV_2O_4

Moving domain boundary and the spontaneous flow of thermal current controlled by magnetic field in spinel MnV_2O_4


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Heat conduction in the system that releases or absorbs latent heat caused by the first-order phase transition gives rise to an intriguing problem. A typical example is seen in the system showing melting and solidification, where the domain boundary between the liquid and solid phase moves with time, known as moving boundary problems. We report in the present paper that a similar moving domain boundary is observed in an all-solid-state system, spinel MnV _2O_4, where there is a first-order magnetic phase transition and the transition temperature changes with applied magnetic field. We found that in the sample attached to a heat bath with a constant temperature, thermal current flows (without external heat source) when the magnetic field is increased or decreased, associated with the release or absorption of the latent heat. We also found that the magnitude of the spontaneous heat current depends on the sweep rate of the magnetic field. We show that the experimental results, which have a nonlinear nature, can be reproduced by a simple model and simulation.
机译:释放或吸收由一阶相变引起的潜热的系统中的热传导引起了一个有趣的问题。在显示熔融和凝固的系统中可以看到一个典型的例子,其中液相和固相之间的畴边界随时间移动,这被称为移动边界问题。我们在本文中报道,在全固态系统尖晶石MnV _2O_4中观察到了类似的运动域边界,其中存在一阶磁性相变,并且转变温度随施加的磁场而变化。我们发现,在附有恒定温度的热浴的样品中,当磁场增大或减小时,与潜热的释放或吸收相关的热电流(没有外部热源)流动。我们还发现,自发热电流的大小取决于磁场的扫描速率。我们表明,具有非线性性质的实验结果可以通过简单的模型和仿真来再现。



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