首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Virological Methods >Sensitive detection of potato spindle tuber and temperate fruit tree viroids by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction-probe capture hybridization.

Sensitive detection of potato spindle tuber and temperate fruit tree viroids by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction-probe capture hybridization.


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A rapid and sensitive assay for the specific detection of plant viroids using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) -probe capture hybridization (RT-PCR-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)) was developed. The assay was applied successfully for the detection of potato spindle tuber viroid, peach latent mosaic viroid, or apple scar skin viroid from viroid infected leaf tissue. Clarified sap extract from infected leaf tissue was treated first with GeneReleaser polymeric matrix to remove inhibitors of RT-PCR reactions. Viroid cDNA was then synthesized and amplified using viroid specific primers in RT-PCR assays and the amplified viroid cDNA (amplicon) was digoxigenin (DIG) -labelled during the amplification process. The amplicon was then detected in a colorimetric hybridization system in a microtiter plate using a biotinylated cDNA capture probe. This system combines the specificity of molecular hybridization, the ease of the colorimetric protocol, and is at least 100-fold more sensitive than gel electrophoretic analysis in detecting the amplified product. Viroid cRNA may replace viroid cDNA as the capture probe. The cRNA probe was several fold more sensitive than the cDNA probe for viroid detection. Six to seven hours are needed to complete the RT-PCR-ELISA for viroid detection from infected leaf tissue.



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