首页> 外文期刊>Journal of vascular and interventional radiology: JVIR >Interventional Radiology Training: Current Status and the Rationale for Change

Interventional Radiology Training: Current Status and the Rationale for Change


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THE extremely rapid pace of change in medicine has resulted in significant challenges in training physicians. Some problems with graduate medical education (GME) are systemic and the entire traditional structure of GME has been questioned (1). In general, the processes in place to alter physician training are somewhat cumbersome and reactionary. Once a change in training has been initiated, the effect on the physician workforce does not occur for many years. The process required to establish and obtain approval for a new training pathway takes many years. Additional years are required for a new training pathway to be recognized and implemented by training programs, and subsequently, additional years are required to fill the training programs and graduate trainees in this pathway. As a result, changes in training made today will not significantly affect the physician workforce for a minimum of 8 to 10 years.



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