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Rape, sex partnership, and substance use consequences in women veterans.


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The association of rape history and sexual partnership with alcohol and drug use consequences in women veterans is unknown. Midwestern women veterans (N = 1,004) completed a retrospective telephone interview assessing demographics, rape history, substance abuse and dependence, depression, and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). One third met lifetime criteria for substance use disorder (SUD), half reported lifetime completed rape, a third childhood rape, one quarter in-military rape, 11% sex with women. Lifetime SUD was higher for women with rape history (64% vs. 44%). Women with women as sex partners had significantly higher rates of all measures of rape, and also lifetime substance use disorder. Postmilitary rape, sex partnership, and current depression were significantly associated with lifetime SUD in multivariate models (odds ratio = 2.3, 3.6, 2.1, respectively). Many women veterans have a high need for comprehensive mental health services.
机译:还不知道强奸史和性伴侣与退伍军人中酗酒和吸毒的后果之间的联系。中西部退伍军人(N = 1,004)完成了一项回顾性电话采访,评估了人口统计学,强奸史,药物滥用和依赖性,抑郁症和创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)。三分之一的人符合药物滥用障碍的终生标准,一半的人报告终生强奸,三分之一的童年强奸,四分之一的军人强奸,与女性发生性行为的比例为11%。有强奸病史的女性终生SUD较高(64%比44%)。以妇女为性伴侣的妇女在所有强奸措施中以及在终生使用毒品方面的比率都明显较高。在多变量模型中,军事后强奸,性伙伴关系和当前的抑郁与终生SUD显着相关(优势比分别为2.3、3.6、2.1)。许多退伍军人对综合精神卫生服务的需求很高。



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