首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the World Aquaculture Society >Effect of Water Exchange and Mechanical Aeration on Grow-out of the Amazon River Prawn in Ponds

Effect of Water Exchange and Mechanical Aeration on Grow-out of the Amazon River Prawn in Ponds


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Exchange and aeration of pond water are common practices in semi-intensive freshwater prawn culture, but there is lack of scientifically based information on the results. We evaluated the effects of water flow through the ponds and mechanical aeration in semi-intensive cultures of Macrobrachium amazonicum. A total of 40 juveniles/m(2) were stocked for 4 mo in 12 earthen ponds. Four randomly assigned treatments were applied: no aeration+no water exchange (NN), diurnal aeration+no water exchange (DA), nocturnal aeration+no water exchange (NA), and continuous water flow (CF). Temperature, pH, total suspended solids, and soluble orthophosphate in the water column did not differ among treatments. Dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations in ponds with nocturnal aeration were significantly higher than in other treatments. The concentration of inorganic nitrogen was significantly higher in the CF treatment, whereas organic nitrogen was higher in treatments NN, DA, and NA. This suggests that primary production is higher in static ponds. Thermal stratification started at 0900 h, and the maximum difference between surface and bottom temperature varied from 1.5 (CF) to 2.8 C (NN). The difference between DO levels in the surface and bottom water of the ponds began to appear at 0800 h and varied from 0.50 (CF) to 5.23 mg/L (NN). Diurnal aeration and high continuous water flow were efficient in disrupting the stratification. No significant difference was found for survival, mean weight, apparent feed conversion rate, and productivity among treatments. Thus, disrupting water stratification, aerating ponds at night, or exchanging the pond water are ineffective in Amazon River prawn farming in semi-intensive systems, at least for stocking densities lower than 40 individuals/m(2). About 1000 kg of Amazon River prawn can be produced in static ponds with no aeration in approximately 4 mo. This management strategy saves water and energy and reduces production costs.
机译:池塘水的交换和通气是半精养淡水虾养殖的普遍做法,但缺乏有关结果的科学依据。我们评估了流过池塘的水和机械通气在亚马逊沼虾半精养中的影响。在12个土池中放养了40只幼鱼/ m(2),持续了4个月。应用了四种随机分配的处理方法:无曝气+无水交换(NN),昼间曝气+无水交换(DA),夜间曝气+无水交换(NA)和连续水流量(CF)。水柱中的温度,pH,总悬浮固体和可溶性正磷酸盐在各处理之间没有差异。夜间通气池中的溶解氧(DO)浓度显着高于其他处理。在CF处理中,无机氮的浓度明显较高,而在NN,DA和NA处理中,有机氮的浓度较高。这表明静态池塘的初级产量较高。热分层始于0900 h,表面和底部温度之间的最大差值从1.5(CF)到2.8 C(NN)不等。池塘表层和底水中的溶解氧水平之间的差异始于0800 h,从0.50(CF)到5.23 mg / L(NN)不等。昼间曝气和高连续水流量有效地破坏了分层。处理之间的存活率,平均体重,表观饲料转化率和生产率没有显着差异。因此,在半精养系统的亚马逊河对虾养殖中,破坏水的分层,在夜间给池塘加气或交换池塘的水是无效的,至少对于密度低于40人/ m的种群而言是无效的(2)。在约4个月不充气的静态池塘中可以生产约1000公斤的亚马逊河虾。这种管理策略可以节省水和能源,并降低生产成本。



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