首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science >Soil Fertility Status of Kiar-Nagali Micro-Watershed in Solan District of Himachal Pradesh

Soil Fertility Status of Kiar-Nagali Micro-Watershed in Solan District of Himachal Pradesh


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Soil fertility affects considerably the land use of any agro-ecosystem. The inherent fertility of soil is controlled by the set of pedogenic factors that vary from soil to soil and declining soil fertility is the main cause for low land productivity.Present day exploitive agriculture, with involved efforts to increase crop yield has not only depleted our soils of their nutrient reserve, but also resulted in the emergence of a number of new nutrient deficiencies. Estimates by Sharma et al. (2001) showed that croplands in the mountain province of Himachal Pradesh in the Western Himalayas have been depleting N and K from the soil system at an alarming rate. The situation of P seems to be slightly satisfactory with positive balance. However, information available on these aspects in the mid-hill conditions of Himachal Pradesh is highly sporadic and inconclusive. Therefore, an attempt has been made to assess the status of N, P and K in the hill soils of North-Western Himalayas.
机译:土壤肥力极大地影响了任何农业生态系统的土地利用。土壤固有的肥力由一系列成因因素控制,土壤成因因土壤而异,土壤肥力下降是造成土地生产力低下的主要原因。当今的剥削性农业,伴随着努力提高作物产量的努力不仅使我们的土壤消耗ple尽的营养储备,但也导致了许多新的营养缺乏症的出现。 Sharma等人的估计。 (2001年)表明,喜马拉雅山西部喜马al尔邦山区省的耕地正在以惊人的速度耗尽土壤系统中的N和K。 P的情况似乎有些令人满意,并取得了积极的平衡。但是,在喜马al尔邦中部山区,有关这些方面的可用信息高度零星且无定论。因此,已尝试评估西北喜马拉雅山丘陵土壤中N,P和K的状况。



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