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Ribot, Binet, and the emergence from the anthropological shadow


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In the drive to establish a naturalistic psychology in France, anthropological assumptions about a hierarchy of physically determined racial groups with inherent psychological characteristics and about the nearly insurmountable retardation of primitive cultures permeated the work of the founder of French empirical psychology, Theodule Ribot. Assumptions about the correlation of brain mass and head size with intelligence affected Alfred Binet. The rise of sociology and challenges to existing theories of inheritance led Ribot to surrender fitfully some hereditarian assumptions. Binet's experimental caution and contemporary critiques of anthropornetry tempered, but did not fully extinguish, his enthusiasm for psychophysical correlations. (c) 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
机译:在法国建立一种自然主义心理学的过程中,有关人类固有种族特征的等级决定的种族群体以及原始文化几乎不可克服的弱化的人类学假设渗透到了法国经验心理学创始人Theodule Ribot的工作中。关于大脑质量和头部大小与智力的相关性的假设影响了阿尔弗雷德·比内特。社会学的兴起和对现有继承理论的挑战导致里博特适当地放弃了一些遗传主义的假设。 Binet的实验性谨慎态度和当代对人类学的批判有所缓和,但并未完全扑灭他对心理物理相关性的热情。 (c)2007年Wiley Periodicals,Inc.



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