首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the American Medical Directors Association >A hospital-to-nursing home transfer process associated with low hospital readmission rates while targeting quality of care, patient safety, and convenience: a 20-year perspective.

A hospital-to-nursing home transfer process associated with low hospital readmission rates while targeting quality of care, patient safety, and convenience: a 20-year perspective.


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Safe patient transfer from hospitals to skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) is one of the most logistically challenging safety problems in the US medical system.The authors describe a community that experienced inefficient transfers in the 1990s, spurring development of continuous quality improvement (CQI) methods to develop transfer forms and processes to improve efficiency.The community established a Geriatric Forum for educational and process improvement purposes. Attendees consist of anyone involved with care of older patients in the community. Over the years, minor environmental changes forced periodic adjustments to transfer processes. The need for adjustment is identified by asking the simple question, "Have any problems occurred with transfers lately?" When problems are identified, forum attendees make process changes. The current forms and processes are discussed in detail.Initial improvement in efficiency of transfers also produced improvements in patient safety and quality of medical care according to periodic internal surveys. During 2009, this community's 30-day rehospitalization rate of patients discharged to a SNF was 14.75%, lower than any national or state average reported rate.Developing hospital-to-SNF transfer methods focusing on the traditional CQI goals of efficiency, patient safety, and quality of care also yields lower hospital readmission rates. Because the?methodology is that of CQI, a widely taught skill, similar programs could be established between any hospital and the SNFs to which it discharges patients. The particular examples of transfer forms and processes described might be helpful to other programs.
机译:从医院到熟练护理机构(SNF)的安全患者转移是美国医疗系统中在逻辑上最具挑战性的安全问题之一。作者描述了一个在1990年代经历了低效率转移的社区,从而推动了持续质量改进(CQI)方法的发展。制定转移形式和流程以提高效率。社区建立了老年医学论坛,用于教育和流程改进。与会人员包括社区中所有照顾老年患者的人员。多年来,轻微的环境变化迫使对传输过程进行定期调整。通过问一个简单的问题“最近有什么转移问题吗?”来确定是否需要调整。发现问题后,论坛与会者进行流程更改。详细讨论了当前的形式和过程。根据定期的内部调查,最初转移效率的提高还改善了患者的安全性和医疗质量。 2009年期间,该社区出院SNF的患者30天的再住院率为14.75%,低于任何国家或州的平均报告率。着眼于传统的CQI目标(效率,患者安全,而且护理质量也会降低医院的再入院率。因为方法学是CQI的方法,CQI是一种被广泛教授的技能,所以可以在任何医院与患者出院的SNF之间建立类似的程序。所描述的转移形式和流程的特定示例可能对其他程序有所帮​​助。



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