首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry >First episode of depression in children at low and high familial risk for depression.

First episode of depression in children at low and high familial risk for depression.


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OBJECTIVE: To examine the development of first-onset major depressive disorder (MDD) in children at high and low familial risk for depression in a prospective study. METHOD: High-risk children (n = 76) who were free of any lifetime affective disorder and had at least one first-degree and one second-degree relative with a lifetime history of childhood-onset, recurrent, bipolar, or psychotic depression were included. Low-risk children (n = 63) were included if they were free of any lifetime psychiatric disorder and had no first-degree relatives and fewer than 20% of their second-degree relatives with a lifetime affective disorder. Children and their parents were assessed in a prospective design using the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children-Epidemiologic version (K-SADS-E). The average interval between follow-up interviews was 18 months, and the average follow-up period was 6 years. RESULTS: High-risk children had approximately a threefold increased risk of developing first-onset MDD compared with low-risk children (odds ratio = 3.21). The average age of new-onset MDD was 14.0 +/- 2.9 years (range 9.5-19.5 years). Above and beyond the familial loading for MDD, mother's lifetime anxiety disorder (odds ratio = 2.84) and lifetime behavioral disorder (odds ratio = 3.25) in the child significantly added to the risk of developing a first-onset MDD. CONCLUSIONS: Having high familial loading for affective disorders, a mother with and anxiety disorder, and a behavioral disorder in the child all significantly contributed to the risk of developing depression.
机译:目的:在一项前瞻性研究中,研究高和低家族性抑郁风险患儿的首发重大抑郁症(MDD)的发展。方法:高危儿童(n = 76)没有任何终生情感障碍,并且至少有一个一级和一个二级亲戚,其一生具有儿童期发作,复发,双相或精神病性抑郁症的病史。包括在内。如果他们没有任何终生精神病,并且没有一级亲属,并且其第二级亲属中有终生情感障碍的比例低于20%,则包括低风险儿童(n = 63)。对儿童及其父母的评估采用前瞻性设计,使用的是《学龄儿童流行病学》(K-SADS-E)《情感障碍和精神分裂症的时间表》。随访时间间隔平均为18个月,平均随访时间为6年。结果:与低风险儿童相比,高风险儿童患初发性MDD的风险增加约三倍(优势比= 3.21)。新发MDD的平均年龄为14.0 +/- 2.9岁(范围9.5-19.5岁)。除了MDD的家族负荷外,孩子的母亲终生焦虑症(几率= 2.84)和终生行为障碍(几率= 3.25)显着增加了罹患初发MDD的风险。结论:情感障碍的家族负担高,母亲和焦虑症以及儿童的行为障碍都显着增加了患抑郁症的风险。



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