首页> 外文期刊>Journal of phenomenological psychology >Phenomenology and Social Constructionism:Constructs for Political Identity

Phenomenology and Social Constructionism:Constructs for Political Identity


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This essay explores the roots of social constructionism in the work of Alfred Schutz, the teacher of Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann and, beyond Schutz, Edmund Husserl. It is described how pregiven things are logically formed and then ideal types or constructs with content are also constituted about them. Schutz begins in the egological perspective but goes beyond that to the intersubjective perspective to show how the world of everyday life has constructs received from predecessors as well as contemporaries and shared by in-groups. Common-sense constructs are constituted like cultural-scientific ones. Motivation in everyday life and the role of the ordinary vernacular in their transmission is shown. An analysis then focuses on how constructs have recently been received and/or reinforced by political election polling in the latest USA presidential election. These constructs involve results in percentages that can be understood qualitatively for Democrats and Republicans divided into gender groups, generations, races, regions, and by education, income or social class, religion. This account can be considered reflective, descriptive, and culture-appreciative and thus phenomenological. Similar constructing no doubt occurs in other industrialized countries and affects so-called common sense. Deeper understanding than this analysis reaches is called for at the end of this essay.
机译:本文探讨了彼得·伯杰和托马斯·拉克曼(Peter Berger)和托马斯·拉克曼(Thomas Luckmann)的老师阿尔弗雷德·舒茨(Alfred Schutz)以及除舒兹之外的埃德蒙·胡塞尔(Edmund Husserl)的作品中社会建构主义的根源。描述了如何在逻辑上形成预定的事物,然后围绕它们构造理想的类型或具有内容的构造。舒茨开始从生态学的角度出发,但从主体间的角度出发,向人们展示了日常生活的世界是如何从前辈和当代人那里得到的,并在群体中共享的。常识性结构的构成类似于文化科学的结构。显示了日常生活中的动机以及普通话语在其传播中的作用。然后,分析的重点是最近一次美国总统大选中的政治选举投票如何最近接收和/或加强了结构。这些结构所涉及的结果所占的百分比对于民主党人和共和党人来说可以被定性地理解,分为性别,年龄,种族,地区以及教育程度,收入或社会阶层,宗教信仰。这种说法可以被认为是反思性,描述性和文化欣赏性的,因此是现象学的。毫无疑问,在其他工业化国家中也会发生类似的构造,并且会影响所谓的常识。在本文的结尾,需要比这种分析方法更深入的理解。



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