首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Poultry Science >Effects of Feeding Aspergillus Awamori and Aspergillus Niger on Growth Performance and Meat Quality in Broiler Chickens

Effects of Feeding Aspergillus Awamori and Aspergillus Niger on Growth Performance and Meat Quality in Broiler Chickens


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This study was conducted to show that dietary supplementation of fungi, Aspergillus awamori and Aspergillus niger so called Koji in Japan, improves growth performance and meat quality in broiler chickens. Total number of 42 chicks at 15 d of age with average weight (365 +/- 3) were divided into 7 treatments (n=6). First treatment as control was fed control diet and other chicks were fed diets supplemented with either A. awamori or A. niger at the levels of 0.01, 0.05 and 0.1%. The birds were raised for 12 d from 15 d of age to evaluate the effect on growth, organs weights, abdominal fat content, muscle fatty acids contents, muscle thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (TBARS) and plasma biochemical parameters etc. Body weight gain was increased, and feed intake and feed conversion ratio were decreased by the fungi. Plasma 3-methylhistidine as an index of skeletal muscle protein breakdown tended to be decreased by the fungi. Due to the fungi, abdominal fat and plasma cholesterol were decreased, while fat content in the breast muscle was increased. Interestingly, muscle a-tocopherol content was increased, and muscle TBARS as an index of lipid oxidation were decreased by the fungi, indicating anti-oxidative activities of the fungi. Furthermore, it was observed a decrease in saturated fatty acid and increases in unsaturated fatty acids due to the fungi in the muscle fat. In conclusion, feeding A. awamori and A. niger improved growth performance and meat quality in broiler chickens.
机译:这项研究表明,日粮中添加的真菌,泡盛曲霉和黑曲霉(日本名曲)的饮食可改善肉鸡的生长性能和肉质。将15 d龄,平均体重(365 +/- 3)的42只小鸡的总数分为7种处理(n = 6)。作为对照的第一治疗是饲喂对照饮食,而其他雏鸡则饲喂补充了泡盛曲霉或黑曲霉,其含量为0.01%,0.05%和0.1%。从15日龄起将其饲养12天,以评估其对生长,器官重量,腹部脂肪含量,肌肉脂肪酸含量,肌肉硫代巴比妥酸反应性物质(TBARS)和血浆生化参数等的影响。体重增加,并且真菌降低了采食量和饲料转化率。血浆3-甲基组氨酸作为骨骼肌蛋白质分解的指标趋于被真菌降低。由于真菌,腹部脂肪和血浆胆固醇降低,而胸肌中脂肪含量增加。有趣的是,真菌增加了肌肉α-生育酚的含量,降低了肌肉TBARS作为脂质氧化的指标,表明了真菌的抗氧化活性。此外,观察到由于肌肉脂肪中的真菌,饱和脂肪酸减少,不饱和脂肪酸增加。总之,饲喂泡盛曲霉和黑曲霉可以改善肉鸡的生长性能和肉质。



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