首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Plantation Crops >Characterization of ginger rhizome lectin and its efficacy in controlling red spider mite in tea

Characterization of ginger rhizome lectin and its efficacy in controlling red spider mite in tea


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Methodology was developed to isolate and characterize the ginger rhizome lectin and its applied aspects in integrated pest management in tea. Lectin, a defense protein with mannose specificity was purified from fresh rhizomes of ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) by affinity chromatography. Purified fractions of lectin showed agglutination with rabbit erythrocytes. SDS PAGE analysis revealed the presence of 15 KDa ginger rhizome lectin. Bio-efficacy of purified ginger rhizome lectin was experimentedon red spider mite (Oligonychus coffeae Nietner) under in-vitro conditions. It was observed that 100 ug ml~(-1) of purified lectin caused in toto mortality of adult red spider mite. Identical results were observed in terms of ovipositional deterrence ofred spider mite at 100 Ug ml~(-1) of ginger rhizome lectin. Results suggest that ginger rhizome could be used as an alternative plant source for lectin isolation and jt can be used as an acaricide in the IPM schedule or organic tea fields.
机译:开发了用于分离和表征姜根茎凝集素及其在茶叶综合害虫管理中的应用方面的方法。通过亲和色谱法从生姜的新鲜根茎中纯化出具有凝集力的防御蛋白凝集素(姜)。凝集素的纯化级分显示与兔红细胞凝集。 SDS PAGE分析显示存在15 KDa姜根茎凝集素。在体外条件下,对纯净的姜根茎凝集素在红蜘蛛螨(Oligonychus coffeae Nietner)上的生物功效进行了实验。观察到100 ug ml〜(-1)的纯化凝集素可导致成年红蜘蛛的总死亡率。姜根茎凝集素在100 Ug ml〜(-1)下对红蜘蛛的产卵威慑作用相同。结果表明,在IPM时间表或有机茶田中,姜根茎可以用作植物凝集素分离的替代植物来源,也可以用作杀螨剂。



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